Family support

I'm new just wanted to know if anyone's family has been supportive or not. 

  • My husband has buried his head in the sand, totally unsupportive and I have said to him multiple times that it feels like he doesn't give a poop. I know he's emotionally stunted and there's no way he will meet my needs. My 27 year old daughter has aspergers, still lives at home, she has been amazing ! She hasn't missed one appointment, she soaks up everything I'm told like a sponge and re-tells me when I need the info. My other daughter, she cares but I don't feel the support is there. My sister has been amazing with keeping me sane and talking sense into me. My best friend thinks everything can be made better by going out and getting drunk..... that's the last thing I feel like doing. I haven't told many other people because I don't want to be disappointed by their actions. A cancer diagnosis certainly shows you who can be relied on and who can't. X

  • I understand how hard it is. It's difficult coming to terms with it yourself let alone having to worry about everyone else.

    My family Bury there head in the sand and don't want to discuss it. There more wrapped up in there silly drama and think we'll you've only had it twice and now your ok so just move on. I feel very lonely. 

  • I think you need a good support group where you can talk to people in the same position health wise and totally get it. Unless you've gone through it I don't think anyone can understand. The mental health aspect as well as the disease is overwhelming. Have you tried macmillans ? Maybe they could arrange some support for you. I'm sorry you're not getting what you need from family, it just adds to the stress x

  • Thank you for listening. The mental health aspect is the hardest. Especially as I've had it twice. I look around and see so many people have amazing care and support from there family and it hurts me I don't. It does add to the stress.

    What cancer have you had. Are you doing OK 

  • Hi LISAJAN, am so sorry to hear your not getting the support you need from your family, my family and  I are very close, and they all know my prognosis, we see and do things with each other often which I love but my cancer, diagnosed 2 years ago, is hardly ever talked about. my eldest daughter is the exception, she is also my best friend and has recently been diagnosed with cancer, a recurrence, so understands what it means to live with cancer, LISAJAN, there is a cancer charity called Maggie's, you and family can just drop in 9am to 5pm weekdays, no appointment needed and talk to the cancer support specialists, other patients or group therapies, my daughter and I are also well supported by our hospice. best wishes.

    Eddie xx

  • Thank you so much for your reply that's so kind. Sorry to hear about you and your daughter that must be very hard.

    Thank you for the information I will look into it definitely.

    I didn't realise you could get support from these places unless you were terminally ill.But that is so helpful Eddie.  Mush appreciated. 

  • Hi LisaJan, I had stage 2 ductal carcinoma er+ her2- (8/8). 22mm Clear margins, no lymph involvement. I count myself very lucky, could have been a whole lot worse.

  • Hi LISAJAN and thank you, Maggie's is for anyone with a cancer diagnosis, families and partners, the hospice is only for those with a terminal diagnosis. take care.

    Eddie xx

  • Thanks Eddie I see that's great.

    Hope you ate doing OK too.

    Take care. 

  • Oh gosh that's hard. Hope your on the mend . Best wishes