Endometrial Cancer

Hi, thank you for allowing me to join the forum.  I was diagnosed with Endometrial Cancer on 9 July.  This was after some post menopausal spotting in April and an immediate referral for ultrasound and hysterscopy.  Following that, i was found to have a polyp so an operation was booked to have it removed and a biopsy done.   I was called in to be told that the polyp was pre cancerous and the biopsy showed both precancerous and some cancerous cells.  I was told it was hormone related and put on Provera straight away.  The nurse explained the next step was staging and said an MRI scan would be best.  In our discussions she did mention that it was caught early, the lining was loooking nice and thin.  The doctor said that an operation would be higher risk as I have mild heart failure, atrial fibrillation and am morbidly obese.  However, they kept talking about provera and the possibility of a Mirena coil.  I had my MRI on 17 July and I am now waiting the outcome.  I am so scared and feel that I’ve just been left.  They told me the news and then that’s been it (despite the nurse saying someone would ring to check that I was ok).  I turned 58 yesterday and am so scared that I won’t get to see 59.

  • Hi Mand58 and a warm welcome to Cancer Chat, 

    First of all wishing you a very happy 58th birthday for a few days ago - poor you hearing the news of your endometrial cancer diagnosis just a few days before your birthday. It must all be a bit of a whirlwind of information for you right now, there's a lot to take in and if you wanted to talk things through with our cancer nurses, you are more than welcome to - you can call them on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    Our website has detailed information on endometrial cancer which I hope you will find useful and I hope that you won't have to wait long now for your MRI results and I am keeping everything tightly crossed for you. It is reassuring though that the nurse told you that it was caught early and that the lining was looking nice and thin and it sounds like they have some treatment options for you and once they have the full results of the MRI they will hopefully be able to make a decision on what would be most advisable and what the most effective treatment would be for you. 

    It's normal to feel scared and I wanted you to know you are not alone and there are others here who have been diagnosed with endometrial cancer and who will hopefully drop by and share their story with you. I've found for example  's endometrial cancer thread - this members was diagnosed a few months ago so feel free to respond and share your own experience on their thread if you would like to do so.  would be another great person for you to connect with - have a look at her endometrial cancer thread  and I hope you will get chatting soon to other members of our community who have had a similar diagnosis. 

    Best wishes and best of luck as you await these important results, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator