Is anyone else on Niraparib? What were your experiences like?

Hi, my name is Maggie and I'm just about to start the above for ovarian cancer after completing six rounds of paclotaxil and carboplatin.  Is there anyone on Naraparib and can tell me how well is it tolerated please?

  • Good morning Maggie

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's understandable that this may be a worrying time for you.

    I've had a look through the forum and I can see this thread where a few people mention Niraparib. It's worth replying on that thread to see if you can connect with either  or    

    We do have some information about niraparib on our website and if you'd like to talk with one of our nurses I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that your treatment progresses well Maggie. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Maggie, my husband sent me your post. I have been on Niraparib for 14 months now and my diagnosis of incurable ovarian cancer is currently stable - long may this last. I originally tried olapraib but it didn’t work for me with as I got bad side effects, felt totally washed out, nausea etc so stopped. I then went into Niraparib and I have tolerated it very well. Main side effect is fatigue. I also developed heart palpitations after 5 months but manage this with bisoprolol. Everyone is different but I would def give it a try. Let me know if u have any further questions xx Katy  

  • Thank you so much Katy for your reply about your experience with Naraparib.  It has certainly reassured me.  I started the tablets on the 22nd July and so far apart from feeling a bit tired and sick I haven't been too bad.  Did you find that as the weeks went on it had a cumulative effect?  Thank you again and very best wishes, Maggie xx

  • Thank you so much for your message regarding Naraparib which is very much appreciated and has reassured me about the side effects.  I started the tablets on the 22nd July and so far apart from tiredness and feeling a bit sick I've been ok.  I know everyone is different but did you find that after taking it for a while the tiredness and sick feeling got worse until you got used to taking it?  Once again thank you and very best wishes, Maggie xx

  • Hi Maggie, pleased to hear things are ok so far. Fatigue has to be managed and ok if I don’t over do it. Palpitations once they developed did get gradually worse but additional meds manage this. Xx

  • Thank you, I much appreciate your input