Newbie with thymoma carcinoma

Hi I’m currently waiting for surgery to remove my tumour , I have thymoma carcinoma , just wondered if anyone is in the position. 

  • Hi Tracyann and welcome to the Cancer Chat community.

    I've had a look through the forum for you and whilst I couldn't find anyone with thymoma carcinoma, I did find a member called Sal34. They made a post 7 months ago to try and find others with thymus gland cancer, so if you'd like to reach out to him, do be sure to have a look at his discussion.  

    If you have any further questions about your diagnosis and/or treatment, don't hesitate to give our cancer nurses a call. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to help.

    We're thinking of you Tracyann and wishing you all the best with your upcoming surgery.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Good morning tracyann it would seem we are in a rare little group with what we have, I was diagnosed two weeks ago purely by chance as I have no real symptoms, apparently my tumour is too big to remove as it is and I am due to start chemo on Monday, looks like we both might have a journey to travel between us. I hope all goes well for you.

  • Hi Sean , I hope everything goes well for you too , and yes it’s a very common one you hear off , have they told you how big yours is, how are you coping with the news ? 

  • On the threads here it looks like ours is quite rare, that’s what the oncologist said to me last week. Not too sure how big my tumour is and it is between my heart and lung but he said they were going to try and shrink it before I could be considered for surgery! How does anyone cope with news like this? One minute you’re healthy plodding along not a care in the world then wham you have cancer! I have found he hardest thing was having to tell people what I have and seeing how upset it makes them. Especially my family as I have always been considered indestructible! My self, I am quite acceptable of whatever might lie ahead as it is out of my hands and I have never worried about anything since I was about 17!

  • How did you cope with the news?