Heres me, I'm 58 and live on Anglesey. I've had skin cancer, twice. Waiting on biopsy results, from last time they removed. Also have been diagnosed, with cervical myelopathy and have hht. The cancer even though it was a shock, never stopped me working. But for the past 12 months, have had leg and arm pains. Have been virtually bed ridden with the pain. I often find myself awake and alone at nights. My partner didn't like blood on her pillows. Am in the spare room. My prison with an artex sky. At the moment my partner, and I are not getting on. This is not the life she signed up for. Or me for that matter. But it is causing problems, I spend a lot of time alone. Isnt your brain the best torture device. Not eating that much at the moment. Reckon I'm below 50kg now. I feel I need to leave, but I don't know how.