Metastasized prostate cancer

Had a radical prostatectomy in 2009 at the beginning of this year after a CT scan was found to have an abnormality in my right lung after biopsies it was determined as a adenocarcinoma of prostatic origin.

So in April was given decapeptyl 6 monthly injections and about 2 weeks ago was started on apautamide 4 pills daily and am awaiting Zometa,I am more worried about the medication than the cancer at the moment.

  • Hi Macstu and welcome to the forum, so sorry to hear they have found mets in your lung I would guess it's the side affects hormone therapy HT can cause which is concerning, I have been on HT for 2 years and talking to others my side effects were typical, Macstu nobody knows which if any you may get, a few even manage to avoid them or have very mild symptoms and most if not all can be treated,  the one that most guys get is fatigue and luckily you can prepare for it, should you get it, exercise is the key, get yourself as fit as you are able to, and it will lessen it's impact and shorten how long you have it, best wishes.


  • Thank you for replying it helps to know your not alone in get the hot flushes now and they mainly in the evenings when relaxing I don't find them too bad my blood pressure went high for a couple of days felt like I flu but no coughing or sneezing I got they have to tell us the worst that can happen 

  • Hi Macstu, your welcome, If you ever feel you need to take something for your hot flushes, sage tablets made by menoforce work very well, Holland & Barrett sell them. take care


  • Thanks will give them a try


  • Hi Eddiel, my consultant says the sage tablets are worth trying, just wondering I've something odd happening and when researching it says it can be hormonal change , my nose gets cold, wondered if you've had a similar experience 

  • Hi Macstu, being on hormone therapy did cause changes in me, I expanded around my waistline, grew man boobs, became more empathetic, hot sweats, fatigue and do feel the cold a little more which is similar to what most guys get, though some have a harder time, some have it easier. Like most guys they are all a thing of the past though still working on the man boobs, so hopefully you may get off lightly, PS i have been on bisphosphonates alendronic acid, "similar to zometa" for a year with no issues. take care.


  • It's good to hear on the alendronic acid I will have to start that soon and was worried about jaw dying business, man boobs could be a thing but sure I'll get used to them