mandy bird - diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer

hello I am new to the group chat but feel it will be nice to chat with people in a simular position, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer a few weeks ago and had my operation on Friday 28th I had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal, I am doing really good and had drainage tube removed today, I also had an appointment for a hysteroscopy and have been told that I have a large lump on my womb that will need to be removed which has concerned me probably more than when I discovered I had a lump in my breast! as i have had no symptoms such as bleeding or pain, Im staying positive with it all although overwhelming at times, 

it would be really interesting to talk to anyone in a simular position to compare notes and just to know of anyone out there going through the same.

mandy bird

  • Hello Mandybird

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and that you've also been advised you need a hysteroscopy to investigate a lump in your womb. it sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment and it's understandable that you may be feeling overwhelmed. 

    It's good to hear that you've already had your lumpectomy and hopefully, you won't have to wait too long for those results. Hopefully, the team will be able to give you some reassurance about the recommended next steps. 

    We have a number of ladies who have been or are going through treatment for breast cancer.  has shared her story of recent diagnosis in this thread and it sounds like you are potentially at similar stages in your respective journies. 

    If you want to talk things through with one of our nurses at any point you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to offer any advice and support they can. 

    Keep in touch Mandybird and let us know how you get on. We're here to listen and offer any advice we can. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • thank you jenn for your response and kind words,

    it really is comforting knowing there is someone out there who understands, the breast care team are wonderful but I feel I don't want to take up too much of their time,

    I am staying very positive and I speak quite light hearted about it all to family and friends but the last few days I've had a bit of a wobble not knowing if I can continue with the positiveness!..but I will because I have to I cannot give in as I will feel I am letting my family down because I don't want to be a worry for everyone,

    I will feel much better when i see my consultant to say how the  breast operation went, and also what the next steps are with "the other lump" as I refer to it!.

    kindest regards to all 

    mandybird xx

  • Hi  

    I have had exactly the same surgery  (11th June) although I never had the drain. With a friend, I’ve just returned from a short pre-planned trip abroad, and currently awaiting my treatment plan for chemotherapy. 
    it’s the waiting I think is worse.

    I’m just taking each step as it comes. I was attending the gym regularly prior to diagnosis, and returned 2 weeks post-op (only leg work).  I’m trying to maintain a notable routine as much as possible, while listening to what my body needs.

    I surround myself with positive people, it helps.  

    I’m sorry that you have another issue to deal with.

    Sending positive vibes 


  • I completely understand where you’re coming from!  It can be exhausting being positive for everyone else. I have wobbles too, get those tears out, you’ll feel better. Then onwards and upwards!


  • hi paula1943

    lovely to hear from you and hope you are feeling well and enjoyed your trip abroad!, I too had a 4 day break in corfu 2 weeks ago the family bought it forward for me as I won't be able to go later in the year due to treatment..had a fabulous time did me good can't wait to go back!! 

    yes the waiting is worrying just want to get it over and done with but now there's "the other lump" I don't know what will happen?

    I would love to be able to say I too attended the gym prior to diagnosis but no it has always been just a talked about thing with me!! I do envy people who do it and maybe after all this is sorted I might just go and do it!! why not I'm trying to push myself to do a bit more as I lost my partner of 23yrs 18 months ago "gary" he was wonderful and I know he will be looking over me thinking get out there live life don't waste it!!

    such good advice surrounding yourself with positive people.. it's definetly what we need and also to stay as positive as we can too! this old bird ain't ready to give up!! 

    sending love and positive vibes to you too.. stay well and keep them legs working!!!

    mandybird x

  • Thank you  

    Corfu sounds amazing!  I’ll need to put that as a place to visit!

    The waiting is the worst, but once you know what you’re dealing with, I’m sure you will give it your all. You sound like me….I’ve got too much trouble to get into yet in this life lol!

    The gym was something I started for my mindset and general health. I can get lazy pretty easily lol! My nurse has advised to take Vit D and regular exercise. She says it helps the mindset.

    I’m so sorry you lost your partner. You have had a lot to deal with recently. Remember, keep positive, keep fighting, but also be kind to yourself!

    I’m here to go through this breast cancer journey with you.


  • Good morning paula1943

    hope you are feeling well and have you had any progress with your treatment plan?

    I had results from my surgery was good news In the sense that only 1 of the 11 lymph nodes removed was cancerous, breast lump removed successfully and depending on further tests I may only need radiation therapy and tablets but not chemo! I will have results in around 3 weeks time!

    please let me know  how you are getting on and hope your keeping them legs working hard!!

    sending love and positive vibes your way

    mandybird xx

  • Aww that’s great news!

    My treatment plan consists of 8 cycles fortnightly of chemotherapy then 15 cycles (over 3 weeks) of radiotherapy. Start Friday xx