
On the 10th June 2024, I went to my doctor due to having a large lump on th side of my neck. On the 11th June I was having blood tests, on the 13th June I was having the camera down, and on the 16th I was having a CT scan. I finally recieved an ultrasound scan and biopsy on 21st June and I am now awaiting the results. It has happened so quickly that we have not had time to breathe. I did break down on the 17th as the reality of the situation hit me, as I had a panic attack while in the CT scan as I it took them 6 attempts to put the cannula in, and I was not aware I was going to be injected while in the scan and it freaked me out as I felt my insides heating up, then I felt as though my throat was closing up on me. But I am unusually quite calm about the whole thing now the tests are over. Is this the calm before the storm or is this just me feeling that everything is going to be fine, I don't know.

  • Hi Azzariah

    Sorry that you find yourself in this situation.  Yes the speed that the NHS can work at times can make your head spin, but lets thank goodness that they do.  

    I have also recently sped through tests and scans am now waiting for an operation, but still not knowing if I have cancer or not (scans not conclusive, going straight to surgery).

    I am also strangely calm, until anyone tells me otherwise, I am telling myself that my mass is benign.  We have got however many weeks to wait until we get answers, it makes more sense for us to remain positive and hopeful, rather than make ourselves ill with worry.  If we worry, it will just seem to make the time seem even longer.

    I hope that you continue to be positive and remember, even if we come out of this with the diagnosis that we do not want, treatment is there and we fight with everything we have!

    We are always stonger than we believe!

    Best wishes


  • Wishing you all the best for the surgery and a speedy recovery.


    We went to the hospital thinking we were going to get the results of the biopsy, but they were inconclusive, so they are being retested by a specialist team in another hospital. However, they found a small nodule in my lung, and the doctor said that although it is larger than they would like they are not going to do anything until the test results come back. They may want to rescan me in a few months to see if it has grown. So we have another 2 to 3 weeks wait again. She also said I am not a straight forward case, what ever that meas! 

  • Stumbled on this reply and it kind of boosted me a lil.  Been feeling a bit overwhelmed with how everything has been going for me after I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I feel pains all over my body and my viens hurt a lot too. I just pray all these comes to an end soon