Testicular cancer

Hi, I have testicular cancer, just had the surgery to remove the testical and worried about what might be next.

I'm 38 and have a two year old and very worried about possible impact on my wife and daughter.

Awaiting the analysis from the multi disciplinary team, but very nervous about it all.

  • Hello Nowayjose

    I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Undoubtedly it's been a difficult time and natural that you're feeling nervous about things. 

    There is another chap called  who has recently posted to share that he has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. Hopefully, the two of you may be able to connect and share your experiences with each other. You might also like to check our Testicular Cancer UK

    We do have information about testicular cancer available on our website as well as a team of specialist nurses that you can call to talk things through if you feel that may help. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040 and I know they would be happy to offer any advice, information, and support they can. 

    I hope that the news from the MDT brings you and your family some reassurance and wish you well with your recovery. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi there

    I hope you have recovered from surgery.

    I had my first orchidectomy 8 years ago, it really had zero impact afterwards.

    Just keep checking the other one!


  • Thanks Dave. Surgery went well and after an initial scare that it had spread to the lymph nodes subsequent scans showed it hasn't. Now in monitoring only and feeling very grateful and cautiously optimistic.

  • That's very similar to my story. My lymph nodes are still being monitored now.