Endometrial cancer

Recently been diagnosed with womb cancer Had a hysterectomy,plus ovaries and tubes removed.

Awaiting histology report for next plan of treatment.

My only symptons were was light pink vaginal bleeding.Find it hard to believe. I'm 65 and a retired nurse.

It's awful.Support does help



  • Hi xx 2nd one ️off!  It was much quicker.  Prob about half hour from start to finish!  Didn’t hurt at all. 
    felt ok so far too  one more to go on tuesday! 
    Doc said will be same as today x 

    Pleased you have appt next Wednesday …

    when do you have your first brachytherapy? 
    love & hugs & have a good weekend x 

  • Hi,,

    Just got a chat about chemo etc next Wednesday.Not sure when any of the treatment starts.So the actual Brachytherapy takes 30 minutes or is it less than that.

    Have a good weekend.

    Love and hugs.

    ️ ️

  • It’s less than that 

    todays actual radiation was 7 minutes.  No CT
     First one was 15 minutes plus CT scan 

    Third one is another short one No CT 

    it’s been ok  nothing to worry about. 

    I’m not looking forward to chemo at all … being honest.  zooming up fast now x 

    hope you get your dates soon so you can plan moving forward x 

    night night x 

  • Hi,hope ure OK.Had a melt down this morning,couldn't stop crying.I don't normally get upset that easy.Its the thought of having to do all this.Mind you if your strong enough to then I should be as well.

    Love and hugs.



  • Hi Alison  I think it’s more normal to have a meltdown. I’m the other way I haven’t cried once!! It’s not normal & usually things make me cry easily.  I think it’s my self preservation tool!   If I cry I may not stop! 
    It will happen I’m sure!  Seriously Alison if I can do this you can too!  It’s all been copeable so far & we’ve already come a long way. 

    thinking of you & sending positive thoughts  

    Kim xx 

  • It's probably because my mam passed a year ago.My husband has been diagnosed with prostrate cancer.My son has got kidney .disease.It all rolled into one and I felt I couldn't deal with .myself. Have you discussed the chemo.My appoitment is Wednesday.I didn't want to go. I hope its worth it.

    Thinking of you. Love and hugs.


  • I’m so very sorry Alison. You really are on overload x so sorry to hear about your mum no matter our age it’s jolly tough when they go! X 

    I understand why dealing with yourself is hard too. Your family have a lot going on x 

    the chemo appt was informative… lots of tick ️ boxes & forms.  Bloods taken. Etc 

     I too found it hard going in there x 

    you will have to have a kidney function test at some point too. I’ve got mine this Thursday.  

    im sending you the biggest hug Alison  

    Sending positive thoughts to your husband &son too x 

  • Thanks

    When do you start your Chemo.Do they have to wait after having the Brachytherapy.

    How many doses of Chemo will you be having.

    Can they not give you the one that doesnt cause hair loss.

    Apologies for the questions.

    Love and hugs to you.



  • I start chemo Monday week 17th! 
    last brachytherapy this Tuesday. 
    This is the chemo they say I need to make sure all cancer cells are destroyed. 
    chemo every 3rd week.  6 rounds. So total 18 weeks.  
    then hopefully that’s the end of it all x 


  • Wish you all the best.

    Wish I could stop crying,I'm not normally like this.

    I hope it's the end for you as well.

    It's nice having someone to talk to.

    Xxxx ️ ️ ️