Cancer times 4

Hello to everyone, my name is Michael and I live in N.California and I have 4 different cancers, I have Prostrate, Bone, lung and a Brain Tumor, They gave me 1 to 1 1/2 years and that was 4 years ago. Thanks to a drug called Katruda (spelling?)  The lung cancer seems to be all but gone. Anyway, this my first post so not sure how this works and wanted to say Hi and possible meet some new friends.

  • Hello there Eddie, you asked how they were treating my prostate cancer and why it first. Well they have me on some cancer drug that I get from a special pharmacy and along with that they have me taking prednisone. They make me feel weird and sometimes irritable but ive had no other side effects so iam lucky. My lung cancer is in check, thanks to the Keytruda and so is the brain. Not sure whats going on with the bone cancer but i know iam sore ALL the time. So its the prostrate they are working on, I really dont know much and dont think they do either. They gave me 1 to 1 1/2 years to live and its now been 4 1/2.

     Sounds like a nice place where you live. Iam afraid i dont have much of a green thumb and only thing I grow are some wildflowers and I grow my own pot as its legal in this state. Its been very hot here, heat wave so we finally broke down and had central air put in, wow, what a difference. Weve been in our home over 30 years, needs some work but were happy here, Sonoma County is very pretty. Well, thats it for now, feel free to ask me whatever youd like??

  • Hi  Michael, it's good to hear from you, thank you for the information, prednisone is used here usually with docetaxel with very good results and I have to agree the side effects have been kind to you, but we deserve a little luck sometimes, and I think your right I think there's a lot of guesswork with cancer treatment though great to hear yours is going well, which I'm happy to say mine is also, on diagnosis I was told 8 years, a year later 4 years and recently at last 5 more years, doesn't exactly fill you with confidence does it, though lately It's been good news, treatment is working well but my cancer which is castrate resistant is adapting to my hormone therapy, but plenty more tools in the toolbox. Michael my hometown is industrial so not pretty but good people, we are allowed to grow 2 pot plants which could be useful one day, we don't need air con and we are having an unusually cool wet summer, though good to hear you have central air we have enough to cope with without cooking in the heat, on a happy note to end my youngest daughter gave birth to my 8th grandchild on the 30th of June a beautiful girl called Mandy, best wishes.


  • Offline in reply to eddiel

    Hi Michael, sorry it's been a while since we've been in touch, though considering our health issues it's to be expected. I hope you are well my friend and look forward to catching up soon, my best wishes to you and your partner, take care.
