David - I've been told I only have a few months left to live. Is anyone else in the same boat?

Hello, my name is David. I have cancer in my throat, lungs bowel and other places. I have been told that I only have a few months left to live. I would just like to chat to people who are in the same boat as me. 

  • Hello David and a warm welcome to our friendly forum, 

    I hope that I will be joined by many members of our community to welcome you and share stories and experiences. It helps to talk to others who are in the same boat and who will understand what you are going through. I am so sorry to hear you have been told you only have a few months left to live. News like this can truly shake us and it can be difficult to know how to react after being given any prognosis. I know it's hard but try not to think too much about these estimates they have given you as it is impossible really to know for certain how long any individual will live and I have seen many defy any prognosis they were given. 

    I will let other members of our community who find themselves in the same boat come and say hello and share their story with you. You are definitely not alone here and I just wanted you to know we are here for you at any time of day or night. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi DavidorP I do have terminal cancer and tough i hope to  have 3-4 years left, I have been told that as my lower spine, pelvis and sacrum are thinning with a few fractures and it's likely my cancer will spread to my spine, i will likely only have 2-3 months when/if it does, PS i also have heart problems which could take me at any time. best wishes.


  • Hi DavidorP, I have metastatic breast cancer that has spread to my lungs and lymphatic system.  Back in November 2022,  I was told that I had about a year to live......well, I am still here, but of course I am very much aware that I am living on 'borrowed time' and that every day is a bonus.  Best wishes to you, xx