Stage 4 Colon cancer

Hello - just signed up and joined the community on here. I was diagnosed in January 24 and started 6 rounds of FOLFOX and Ceruximab on March 2nd. I’ve completed 4 rounds - what a slog, it’s harder than I thought it would be. Round 5 on May 4 and CT scan shortly before round 6. I have a solitary but quite large met to my liver measuring around 5cm. fingers crossed the treatment is shrinking my tumours and the plan, if so, is the OR in July.

  • Hello AndrewLD, and welcome to the community that no-one ever wants to join.  Talking to other people who are going through the same thing as yourself always helps, it somehow makes you feel that you are not completely alone.  x

  • Hello AndrewLD,

                               went through similar ten years ago, and the slog was no different back then .Lost 60% of my liver back then, ad the pre and post chemo were pretty brutal, but the outcome made the effort worthwhile. Stoma was reversed, and it took me 5 years to get the bowel to accept the change. Stick with it and hope you have a successful outcome,

    Best wishes,



  • Thank you David and glad you’re still around to tell your story 10 years on - hoping I’ll be able to do the same thing. Feels like a lottery though!