Hi all,
I found my way here after trawling the Internet for the past week (I know I should avoid doing this but I can't seem to stop myself!)
I'm 46 and have an appointment at the breast clinic on Wednesday and I'm pretty anxious...I discovered a lump a couple of weeks ago, it's not sore or anything but it's causing a 'dent'. My GP says it is tethered and I should expect a biopsy. I lost my mother to breast cancer when I was 8 (she was only 38) and I don't know if this has triggered off additional anxiety but I can't seem to settle at all. It's quite out of character for me as I'm typically quite pragmatic. I feel like I have basically convinced myself it's going to be bad news and then I feel like such a twit as statistically I know more lumps are benign than bad. I just feel like it's ticking so many bad boxes and the impatience for the appointment is driving me up the wall. I am sorry to come here to rant but I think I am annoying my family by excessively worrying :( I just can't switch my brain off at all. I've had a lump before which was a cyst but I wasn't particularly worried about that, this lump just feels very different. Has anyone got any tips on how to give my head a wobble??