Three weeks post surgery for stage 2 IDC just found out i will need chemo as HER2 positive, still feeling sore and worried after surgery so any help ,advice or reassurance would be much appreciated.
Three weeks post surgery for stage 2 IDC just found out i will need chemo as HER2 positive, still feeling sore and worried after surgery so any help ,advice or reassurance would be much appreciated.
Hello Norasand
I'm sorry to hear about your breast cancer diagnosis and the news that you will now need some chemotherapy treatment following your post-surgery results. It's understandable that you're worried.
We've lots of women here on the forum who have been given a HER2 positive result. Hopefully, some of those members will post to share their experiences with you but in the meantime, you use the forum search function at the top of the page to look for the term "HER2" and you'll be able to read through some previous posts.
We have some information on our website about HER2 receptor tests that you might find helpful but I'd also suggest giving our team of nurses a call to chat things through with them. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information, and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040.
I hope that the soreness from your surgery settles soon Norasand. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
Best wishes,
Cancer Chat moderator
Hi Norasand, so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but pleased to hear that your surgery is now behind you. I too was diagnosed with two areas if invasive ductal carcinoma in January, plus cells found in 1 lymph node. I am also er + pr+ & HER2 positive. It was decided for me that chemo first would be the best option. 3 x EC cycles and 4 x docetaxel cycles. So far I have completed all the EC with minimal side effects, apart from hair loss. Have also managed to go out for a 2 1/2 mile walk most days. Apparently, the docetaxel is stronger, so will have to see how that goes.Will also be going onto Herceptin injections while on the docetaxel. Hope this is a bit reassuring for you regarding the chemo and I wish you well on your journey moving forward. Xx
Thank you so much Jenn for your reply , it helps a lot to have somewhere you can find so much information and to know others are also going through similar journeys makes you feel less alone . I will definitely read the threads you mentioned and thank you once again x
Hi Pippin24, many thanks for your reply , so sorry you are going through so much. It was very reassuring you had minimal side effects from the EC and hope the docetaxel and injections also go well. The same drugs were also mentioned at my last hospital appointment but will not know definitely until I see the Oncologist. I also love walking but haven’t been since surgery, starting again this weekend as walking and being outside really helps calm me down. Thank you again for your reply and send lots of good wishes for future treatments and your surgery xx
Hi Norasand
I was diagnosed in 2016, stage 3,I had 6 rounds of chemo, 18 of Herceptin, now year 8 into 10 of Tamoxifen. The worst side effect I had from chemo was a terrible taste in my mouth which made eating unpleasant, Herceptin was much easier, Tamoxifen bearable. I hope this a bit of reassurance for you. Wishing you all the best.
Hi Wyll, thank you so much for your reply, it was such a reassurance for me to hear how you managed throughout your treatment, I definitely feel a lot more positive after reading your post. I am so pleased you are towards the end of your Tamoxifen, what do you find is the worst side effect of these hormone drugs? Lots of good wishes and thank you again for your reassurance xx
Well done for getting out on your first walk today, glad to hear it made you feel better. I made that a goal at the start of my treatment, that I would go for a walk each day, weather permitting. So far have only missed a couple of days due to rain. I'm sure doing something positive has helped me through my chemo journey so far. Always here for a chat. Xx
Hi Norasand
Glad to be reassuring! Tamoxifen - the worst side effect, and I've had a few of the more minor ones , is brain fog. I'm hoping after stopping the drug this might ease, I find it difficult to be as creative as I used to be, to multi task, my cognitive abilities (Such as they were!) have slowed.
Again all best wishes X