Starting chemo tomorrow


After 3 surgeries to remove DCIS I unfortunately was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer last November. I’m now 9 weeks post op mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. 
Having 3 lymph nodes removed during surgery it was found that the cancer had spread to 1 of the 3 nodes so chemotherapy was advised.

After a few hiccups and a wound infection I finally start my first round of chemotherapy tomorrow.
 EC every 2 weeks for  4 cycles then paclitaxel also every 2 weeks for 4 cycles.

To say I’m feeling a bit anxious about it all is an understatement, worried about the side effects and loosing my long hair, I’m thinking of maybe giving the cold cap a try.

Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • Hi, I’m ok thanks, still can’t shake this cold it’s a really bad one. My husband is just as bad though so don’t think the chemo is making it worse. I’m just so tired but not sleeping well at night so sleeping a lot during the day which feels rubbish. My hair has started shedding now too, quite a lot every time I touch it :( 

    How are u? Did u get the port fitted yet? And how is the hair doing? Did the shedding slow down? 

  • That’s a shame you still have the cold, hope it gets better soon.

    I sympathise with the not sleeping at night I’m the same but then I’m used to working nighshift and sleeping during the day so that’s half my problem.

    Im struggling with my hair it’s so thin on top not sure if  by time i restart chemo I will be able to use the cold cap.

    Still not had appt for the port, should be on round 4 of chemo next week but still only had 1 so feeling a bit down about it all.

    Have you got your wig yet? Mine is delayed not coming till 17th June at the earliest. I’ve been looking at buying one online. xx

  • Is it still shedding lots or was it all in one go? I do have my wig yeah, got it last week. I ended up getting the one I tried on in the shop even though it’s a lighter blonde than I usually am, but the darker blonde they ordered in for me was not nice at all. I also got a baseball cap with hair attached from Etsy which actually looks brilliant, I think I would probably wear that for day to day things like going to the shop because it’s a lot comfier than a wig to be honest. 
    That must be quite frustrating to be behind schedule, I really hope you can get your port fitted soon and get back to it xx

  • It’s still shedding lots, very thin on top. Comes out every time I touch, brush, wash it etc .. I usually wash my hair daily but just dry shampooing and tying it back just now. I won’t get away without a headcover much longer.

    The wig I’ve ordered is a different blonde to my hair too so hope it’s ok. 
    I’ve seen the caps with hair but don’t think I’d suit a cap so might just need to get used to the wig or find a different head covering, it’s very stressful. Xx

  •   Morning    sounds like you are not having such a good time right now.  I do hope your cold is showing signs of leaving you, there is so much of it about right now, which doesn't help the most vulnerable.  hope your port gers sorted sooner rather than later, its so frustrating when there are delays with treatment. It really does set you back doesn't it, especially when you are already feeling c*×p. I hope your wigs get processed and you are at least able to feel a sense of normality. Xx

    Hubby still not great. He is having another CT scan on BH Monday to assess the situation with a view to fitting his stent. Unfortunately he is still unable yo eat or drink so we are currently going regularly to the hospital for IV fluids, until the results of the scan, and next steps plan is decided. 

    Sending hugs to you both xx  

  • Hi maggie May and princess74 just checking in to see how you’re doing this week? Princess74 I really hope u have had your port surgery by now or at least news of an appointment? Xx

  • Hi Emma, how are you, hoping your cold is better?

    Maggie May, how is your husband getting on? 

    I had my port fitted on Wed, it wasn’t the best experience, I’m sore and uncomfortable now didn’t  expect to feel as bad as I do.Hoping the next few days will get better and my chemo can restart next week. Xx

  • That’s good that it’s done, make sure you get lots of rest now and hopefully get back on track with chemo next week. 
    I just had my 3rd yesterday. Think the cold is starting to clear up now hopefully, but they said it might linger a while during chemo, blood work had stayed fine though so they said there’s no point delaying. 

  •    hi both. Lovely to hear from you. Sorry to hear of your not so good experience having your port fitted. At least chemo can now start and you will start to feel better very soon. Xx

    Hubby has had a rough couple of weeks, regurgitating all foods and fluids. We still waiting to hear from consultant with CT scan results, and hoping they can fit a stent xx

    Keep going girls, you have got this.

    Sending love and best wishes xx