Starting chemo tomorrow


After 3 surgeries to remove DCIS I unfortunately was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer last November. I’m now 9 weeks post op mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. 
Having 3 lymph nodes removed during surgery it was found that the cancer had spread to 1 of the 3 nodes so chemotherapy was advised.

After a few hiccups and a wound infection I finally start my first round of chemotherapy tomorrow.
 EC every 2 weeks for  4 cycles then paclitaxel also every 2 weeks for 4 cycles.

To say I’m feeling a bit anxious about it all is an understatement, worried about the side effects and loosing my long hair, I’m thinking of maybe giving the cold cap a try.

Any advice would be appreciated. 

  • Hi Em24ma, 

    I thought I’d be having mine at a cancer hospital in central Glasgow as I’m in Paisley but I was offered one further away instead.

    Yes you will get a wig prescription now then another in 6 months. It’s synthetic wigs they give you, I wasn’t impressed with the ones I tried on mainly because of the colour but they were also much thicker than my hair and seemed very heavy. 
    My daughter has ordered one for me online so will see how it is when it arrives.

    Nichola xx

  • What area are you in lynne? I was given a prescription but nothing mentioned about value. I would happily pay more if needed to get something better xx 

  • Hi just a wee update to say I’ve had my first chemo, all went well with cannula so may not need a picc after all.

    Tried the cold cap and it wasn’t as bad as I expected, the first 5 mins was torture but after that it was absolutely fine. Had some lovely hot soup which took my mind off it.
    Hone and feeling ok for now xx 

  • That’s great so glad it all went smoothly for you, keep me posted on your side effects if you can. And it’s really good to hear that the cold cap was manageable, I will definitely be giving it a go too. How long did it all take? 
    Also which wig shop did you go to? Nurse gave me a list today xx

  • I was there for 9am and home for 4. In that time I saw the doctor and had a chat to make sure I was happy to go ahead them the chemo and cold cap.

    The cold cap is on for 30 mins before treatment, during then an hour and a half after. 
    The chemo itself only took about 20/25 mins. The half hour before is while they getting things organised so time wise it’s just the extra hour and half after that makes it longer.

    So far i feel absolutely fine, will post again tomorrow and let you know if anything changes.

    Did you get on ok today?

    I went to the cancer hospital in central Glasgow for my wig. xx

  • Doesn’t sound too bad, the only thing for mine is that my appointment isn’t until 3.30! I mentioned to the nurse today and she is going to see if it can be changed to earlier because it will be difficult for me to get a lift home in the evening when the kids are in bed. Rest of the appointment was fine, just lots of info and leaflets, then I had my first zoladex injection which unexpectedly made me super emotional, we weren’t really done having kids so it’s sad to shut down my ovaries..

    Yeah I saw that hospital on the list, didn’t realise they had a wig shop, so think I’ll see if I can go there next week. Maybe try one of the shops in the city centre as well xx

  • That’s a late appt especially if you’re trying the cold cap. The hospital I've been offered that's further away close the unit at 4.30 so always early appts, I’m guessing the hospital in central Glasgow are open much later.

    Sorry to hear you had to have the zoladex injection hard on you when you have so much else to deal with.

    Ive to have injections later on to make me post menopausal if chemo itself doesn’t bring it on.

    The girls at the hospital in central Glasgow are lovely only thing was the colour of the wigs weren’t suitable so maybe would be good to try somewhere else too and give yourself a better idea, I wish I had.

    Slept well last night woke up feeling ok, took my steroids and anti sickness with some toast at 9am and I’m now starting to feel a little sick other than that all good. xx

  • Yeah she said that hospital is open until 7 or 8pm, but even if we didn’t have the kids it’s a real *** time to be getting out. Good, really glad to hear you are feeling ok so far, hope you are getting plenty of rest xx

  • Just saw they bleeped out a word on my post! it wasn’t a real bad word, rhymes with snappy lol :)