Waiting for Referral for breast clinic

Hi I have been refered to a breast clinic and have been waiting 1 week and have had no appointment yet. Has anyone else waited as I have heard people normally get the appointment letter quickly.

  • Gemma787.

    Hi Gemma I'm sorry you've recieved this diognosees, and yes it is a shock to be told this,its hard to actuaky take it in. 

    Mine had spread to 3 lympnodes which my cancer had spread to and thar waa scary to think it had spread . 

    But once you spoke to your breast care team,nurses / oncologist, when all the results are back ... what grade etc,and you will feel more in control you will kick cancer to where rhe sun don't shine, me and lots if others have done just that.m here  if you need a friend and a chat about anything. BIG HUGS SENT YOUR WAY XXX

  • Thank you for replying. I am sure I will definitely feel a bit more at ease when we have a plan. Can I ask what treatment did you have? I know it varies for everyone xx

  • Hi Gemma7887

    Sorry my reply is late been out today to watch my grandaughters in dance competitions, both did so well.

    The treatments I had were a surgery first a  lumpectomy of my right breast amd all.ny lympth nodes wereremoved from unde  my right  arm. ,which was done in 16th  June 2020( was diognosed in Nay 2020) then after that  ilt was 8 rounds of chemotherapy, four of I can't remember maybe Eg,then four paxitaxol  but I had an alergic reaction to the paxitaxol, so that was stopped and I has another taxol chemotherapy  began with an A,agsin csnt remember it. Then I started on letrazole,before my 15 sessions of Radiotherapy, most oncologist like you to take the letrazole, after the chemotherapy and radiotherapy have finished, so I was told  but my oncologist wanted me to start it before my Radiotherapy.  I've been put on letrazole for 10 yrs ut lovers your estrogen levels as that was whst my cancer was feeding off, of. So by taking it ,it hopefully reduces the chances of it returning, but there is no guarantees it won't. But statistics show taking letrazole helps. 

    I did develop  a seroma under my right  arm pit ( build up of  fluids ,which had to be drained twice, draining it didn't hurt at all and i also developed  mild lymphedema in my right arm ,hand and wrist, I  developed  mild lymphedema i did have to go to lymphedema clinics, but my hospital doesn't do the clinics anymore,so was told if i had any problems to talk to my gp,who would send me to another hospital that runs  a lymphedema clinic. 

    I was told to not ever lift anything heavy ,and keep.my arm raised up on cushions when i was sitting down ,and I  waa given a diagram showing how to  brush and manually move the fluids along to help it from swelling up . But to be honest after the first year  I didn't really have any problems ,as I'm quite good and never carry anything too heavy..

    I was measured up for a lymphedema sleeve,but found it too uncomfortable.  I've not been abroad scince my cancer diognosees, but if I ever do I've been told I'd need to wear the lymphedema sleeve i was given on the plane, as the pressure might cause my arm to swell. 

    Not everyone who has to have thier lymph nodes removed  go on to get lymphedema, but they do tell you it may happen. 

    But to be honest I'm just so grateful  i found my cancer early, and im so grateful for  waking up every single day, and the NHS have been brilliant  . 

    You will be well looked after. 

    When you go to see or speak to yoir oncologist  write down on a notepad before all the questions you want answered ,as I did ( never git to actually see my oncologist because of covid only ever spoke on the phone,never ever hot to meet my oncologist ) I found it so helpful thst I'd written all I  wanted to ask him,as believe me it's quire a daunting conversation  at times  and you could easily forget what you intended to say.

    Good luck Gemma  here if you need to chat. Xxx

  • I am glad they did well. I will definitely be writing down everything. If you don't mins me asking what stage breast cancer did you have? I have been prescribed anti sickness medicine as I am feeling so sick and can't eat. I am hoping this improves when I know exactly what is going to happen. I really appreciate it you taking the time to write back to me xxx

  • Hi Gemma7887

    Sorry its a late reply. My cancer ,stage was grade 2. I was told if only 2 Lympth nodes were involved I would probably only have needed Radiotherapy  but as 3 of them contained cancer cells it meant I had to have  chemotherapy , but thats what my oncologist thought,some oncologist may differ . I'm so sorry your feeling nausea,I think its the shock of everything making you feel this way. Have you tried sucking on some Barley Sugar sweets that's soposed to help ,also mints is another  good thing for stopping you feeling this way.

    Honestly  Gemma it really isn't as bad as your probably imagining,I was so so scared of it all,thats natural,but going through it all I can sincerely say to you it wasn't half as bad as I let my mind think it all was, don't get me wrong,everyone of us thats  diognosed  with csncer ,will have a few rough days ,tiredness  ,few aches,pains,but I didnt feel sick once during all my chemotherapy sessions,as I was given really strong anti sickness tablets around an hour before each chemo started,which worked amazingly. Well  

    I also felt hungry during and after each chemotherapy, they give you an infusion of steroids and to be honest it's that  that makes you hungry lol. I actualu put weight on during all my chemotherapy sessions,I wasn't expecting that at all,was certain in my mind I'd feel.so sick,tbsr I'd actually start to lose weight,how wrong was I lol. 

    Honestly it's all the thoughts of the unknown...like how am I going to cope,what will  the chemotherapy feel like. I was like a deer in the headlights, when my first chemotherapy was adminiisterd, I sat bolt upright ,staring at it as it was goonh into me  My  ,eyes wide  open with anticipation of how it was going to  make me feel.

    I didnt feel anything,I was shocked with the realisation that it really wasn't as bad as I'd thought,but plesently surprised at that.  

    After the second Chemotherapy, my hair started to fall out,not gonna lie I hated that part the most i ,lost all my eyebrows and eyelashes   too ,but  my eyelashes were never that long,but my hair was.

    I cut it ( I was a hairdresser) then the week after that, I shaved the lot off, yes I cried whilst I did it but I felt in control. 

    Please try not to worry too much,you realy will get through this,you will realise just how resilient you are,when you start your trearmenrs,  you will kick that cancer where the sun don't shine, and you will get to ring that bell. 

    Bug hugs Gemma xxxx

  • That is very reassuring. Thank you. I am hoping mine is stage 2 as I have a lump in breast and one lymph node. But when I read about it it says could be stage 2 or 3. Can't wait till Thursday and hopefully will feel alot better. Xxx

  • Good morning Gemma 7887,well nearly 12mid day lol.

    Yes you will feel 100% better once you know  what your dealing with. Thursday will be here before you know it try to take your mind off of it  by doing something you like. Maybe a nice walk in nature,or reading  drawing  listen to calming music watch a film. It may help. But above all talk openly at your appointment, talking is good,don't bottle things up let your cancer care team kniw excactly how your feeling  I'm sure with all thier experiences of helping reassure others like you,I'm sure this will help .

    Giid luck for Thursday Gemma you've got this. Let me know how you get on .xxx

  • Thank you. I certainly will let you know how it goes xxx

  • I had my appointment with the consultant breast surgeon on Thursday and am relieved that I only have to have the lump removed from my breast (without a mastectomy) and most of the lymph nodes under the arm cleared. Afterwards, I am to be treated with a tablet but I am not sure what this is. However, further treatment via chemo or radiology has not been ruled out. It depends on the biopsy results from the surgery.

    The good news is that I shall be able to return home on the same day! The operation will take place on 8th May. 

    I had to complete a lengthy pre-op questionnaire online and this took me about 2 hours to fill up because I have difficulty using the keyboard. Shaky hands and not much sensation in the fingertip due to fibro and my age! I then got an urgent phone call from the hospital to attend a clinic for an ECG. This is for Monday morning. I can only conjecture that there has been some confusion and crossed wires over my GP's original diagnosis of angina. I had a series of blood tests and an ECG only 7 weeks ago. Unfortunately pain over the left breast is usually associated with a heart problem and not cancer. All these tests were perfectly all right so it is difficult to understand the urgent summons.

    I could have had the operation on 1st May but I have had to wait for my daughter's arrival from Hong Kong and therefore it was decided to wait an extra week. My husband is unwell and it would be difficult for him to collect me from the hospital. Their policy is not to allow you to go home by yourself in a taxi even though he can help me once I return.

    I don't know how quickly cancer can spread to the lymph nodes but I presume it depends on the grade.Mine is grade 2 and I am oestrogen and progesterone positive but Her2 negative. I shall have to ask my cancer nurse to explain when I have a chance to see her. At the moment I am happy for them to get on with the job of making me better!

    I was told to wear a bra without any wiring so have bought some soft body bras from M and S. They have a good selection.

    Your diagnosis seems similar to mine. If you wish, let me know how you get on.

    Best of luck,


  • Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. But glad you have a plan. I have grade 1. I have a lump in breasr on 1 lymph node effected. I have surgery planned on the 15th of May and I to will be having them removed and awaiting on what the results say. I Will also be on tablets for 10 years apparently. Hope everything goes well. X