Waiting for Referral for breast clinic

Hi I have been refered to a breast clinic and have been waiting 1 week and have had no appointment yet. Has anyone else waited as I have heard people normally get the appointment letter quickly.

  • Thanks Jassoscared for your advice and yes you are right 

    You will understand how it feels having been there yourself 

    so thank you x

    Thinking of you Madfy and Gemma - Gemma - I will be thinking of you on Monday xx 

  • Thanks for reply. You've got this, glad I could help .xx

  • Gemma 7887

    Oh Gemma I'm.so sorry to hear this you don't need this added worry.  I do hope you can get there. Can you not call the hospital appointments line if you don't know the number go through to the main switch board and ask to be put through to appointments. Explain what's happened and that you would struggle to get to this appointment  and see if thry can give you another appointment at the hospital you originally was going too. But I know if that means waiting longer by a week or so that would just add to yoir stress but if it was only a few days later it might be easier.  It's worth a try or maybe you can reach out and ask a family member  or friends if they could take you hope it all works out for you. Xx. 

  • I had my appointment yesterday as managed to get a cancellation and they have said it is breast cancer and it has spread to my lymph nodes. Only one lymph node is affected. I am absolutely devastated and shocked. 

  • I had my appointment yesterday as managed to get a cancellation and they have said it is breast cancer and it has spread to my lymph nodes. Only one lymph node is affected. I am absolutely devastated and shocked. 

  • Hi, I had my GP appointment yesterday and found out my breast clinic appointment time today. Its in 10 days. I would call your GP if it's worrying you. Good luck 

  • I just saw your latest update, I should have read further comments. I'm so sorry - did they answer any questions you have? Take care

  • I couldn't think of anything to ask I was so shocked. Got to go back next Thursday for biopsy results even though the Dr said if that cane back negative we wouldn't believe it. So hopefully have a plan of action then too.

  • Sorry to hear your news,Gemma. I am in a similar situation as it was confirmed that I have cancer in the left breast and in the lymph nodes (three in all). I have a revised appointment with a consultant breast surgeon next Thursday. My original appointment was this morning but it had to be cancelled because the consultant has covid! I was very upset by the delay and phoned the team because I had waited ten days to hear the final test result. I had already had a letter telling me the results of a mammogram ,examination and ultrasound but the missing piece were the biopsy reports. I have been told that Thursday's meeting will inform me of the type and grade of cancer and that I will be "booked in" - presumably for surgery.

    I can understand your shock and devastation and I know it will take time for you to come to terms with what has happened. However the cancer nurse I spoke to assured me that there is a cure - so please take heart from this. Fortunately I was aware that I might have cancer more than six weeks ago when a ct scan showed abnormality in the left breast and my GP said it was in all probability cancer. Please do not give up hope. Modern treatment methods are very good and I am confident you will be ok

    This morning I have tried to do something positive for an expected hospital stay. I understand that it is a good idea to wear a loose top which buttons down the front and I have spent hours trying to find a suitable item ,scouring every clothing shop in town. At one point I almost gave up and thought I would have to buy a jazzy linen shirt from the men's department of M&S! Eventually I discovered a nice wide ladies shirt from Made in Italy. It is bright pink and highly patterned so it cheered me up immensely. No doubt it will be a knockout in the hospital ward

    I send you my best wishes and hope that when you get your treatment plan you will feel much better



  • Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. I hope everything goes well and will be thinking of you. I don't know how long I have had it for as to be honest I'm not the best at checking my breasts. I did notice a dimple nearly a month ago but it might of been there b4 then. And now sure how fast I can spread to the lymph nodes. If you feel up to it let me know how you get on on Thursday x