Hi, I'm new here and not really sure where to start.
I am 59 and 3 years ago, I went to drs (seen nurse practitioner ) with a lump I could feel just below my rib cage and concerns about things jus "not feeling right" inside. I was told it was just fat. I left feeling really embarrassed and still concerned . I am slightly overweight (at most a stone) but am always aware of my "problem" If it was fat, why am I not aware of it anywhere else? Anyway, I can't really feel the lump under my rib cage now but can still feel something going on inside. For a couple of months, I have been having back pain and been unable to sleep. I asked google for help to ease the pain and read that back pain, right shoulder pain which mine is, could be a symptom of liver cancer. Am I just being paranoid? I don't want to bother drs if my problems really are just fat.