my myeloma

recently been diagnosed with myeloma completely shocked but understand no one is free from getting it i ask myself why me but then i think too myself live with it make what you have left and then all of sudden pain i have been in so much pain since my diagnosis and it’s absolutely unbearable i haven’t started a treatment plan as yet but it gets to some point when i just need treatment now instead of the wait 

  • Hello richie22, 

    A big welcome to Cancer Chat and thank you for coming here and sharing your story. I can imagine your myeloma diagnosis came as a shock to you and I am so sorry to hear you have been in unbearable pain. Hopefully this will settle down once you have started treatment. The wait must be hard to bear for you and I hope that you can start treatment very soon. Perhaps you could get in touch with your medical team and explain that you are in a lot of pain? They may be able to advise you in terms of pain relief which might be available to you while you are waiting for treatment. It could be a good opportunity too to try and find out how long you will have to wait roughly to start treatment. 

    We have a nurse helpline if you have any questions about your diagnosis or treatment which you can ring for free on 0808 800 4040 - it is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm - it will be closed on Easter Monday but will reopen again on Tuesday 2nd April. 

    I also hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been diagnosed by myeloma and who might be slightly further along treatment - it is always helpful to exchange experiences and you will feel less alone knowing that there are others here you can chat to about this who have been in a similar place before. I've had a little look on the forum for you and found this multiple myeloma thread started by  who was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma and you will notice also on this thread Sharon 's reply sharing her own myeloma diagnosis and treatment story. Feel free to add your own reply to this thread if you wish to do so. 

    Wishing you the very best of luck for your treatment and I keep everything crossed for you that you will be able to start it very soon!

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator