Multiple Myeloma

Has anyone have Multiple Myeloma? I would love to chat with them. 

  • I'm sorry you haven't heard back from anyone yet Geomar.

    I've had a quick look through the forum and noticed that   made a post about multiple myeloma the other day.

      and   are supporting loved ones with this diagnosis, so hopefully they will stop by when they can to share their experiences and advice as well.

    I'm not sure if you have come across this charity before, but you may also be able to connect with others through Blood Cancer UK.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thanks Steph I’ll have a look on Blood cancer uk

  • Hi, I’ve just joined the chat. 
    I was diagnosed with myeloma September 2022. 
    I’m happy to chat anytime. 

  • Myeloma UK is really helpful too x

  • Offline in reply to sbis

    Hi sbis I hope you are feeling well   My name is Marion and I was diagnosed with Myeloma on the 5th February 2024 it was a complete shock. I have had MRI and CT scans a nerve conduction test and a bone marrow biopsy numerous blood tests and I’m having a skin biopsy this Friday 29th  I still haven’t been offered any treatment yet I would love to be your friend and have lots of chats about our conditions. Hope to hear from you soon. Marion xx

  • Offline in reply to Geomar

    Hello my name is Sharon, I'm 52 next month and  doing ok thank you  

    Oh gosh yes it’s a massive shock, I was the same. 
    I’m a registered nurse and I had been off sick with a urine infection, felt so unwell and it then went onto a kidney infection. 
    I kept thinking I had Covid , felt so unwell.
    My GP finally did  bloods and from there sent and admitted to hospital for further tests. 
    Eventually had the diagnosis of myeloma and I was so shocked too. 
    I had a stem cell transplant February 2023 and I’ve been on maintenance medication since. 
    Yes, life is different but I’ve remained positive. 
    Of course we can be friends x

  • Offline in reply to sbis

    Hi Sharon thanks for the wee message. I am much older than you, I will be 81 next month. We have 3 sons and 3 daughters all married except 1 son who lives with us. We have 14 grandchildren. My husband of 58 years will be 90 God willing in May.  He has Dementia these last 4 years is totally immobile and has to be fed. I am his 24 hour carer with the help of the family. We live on a small farm with highland cattle and sheep lambing at the minute. I am hoping after I get the skin biopsy on Friday that I will get some results and hear if I will be offered any treatment. Before Christmas I had seen a Neurologist as I had bad back pain and peripheral neuropathy in my feet and legs. I have had arthritis in my spine for a long time and I thought he was going to offer me nerve root injections but Instead he sent me to a haematologist who diagnosed myeloma. So that’s where I am now. Sorry for the big long email but I just wanted to tell you a bit about myself. Take care.Marion 

  • Offline in reply to Geomar

    Oh bless , you are similar age to my parents. You are a very busy lady, it must be very difficult caring for your husband and having all this worry of your health too x 

    Thank you for sharing x 

    I have been very lucky and not had any health concerns in adult life until this. I had even worked all through the pandemic and didn’t get it. 
    I have neuropathy also since diagnosis and bowel issues because of the medication. 
    I live with my husband and our little dog, we don’t have any children but surrounded by great family and friends. 
    We live in Worcestershire in the West Midlands. 

    Take care Marion, message anytime 

    Best wishes Sharon

  • My husband was diagnosed with smoldering Myeloma Feb 23. He has been suffering with a lot of pain and weakness lately so he's going for an Mri scan next Sunday then maybe starting treatment. 

  • Offline in reply to JayneM

    Hi, oh what a worry, hope he gets treated soon.