Hi everyone Triple negative breast cancer very rare x

Hi just wanted to say hi not sure I can post on here as too much to say ?

saw the post re sleepless nights ! Chat thought it may help instead of googling stuff at night not slept for months on end 

I'm 56 Breast cancer first diagnosed January 2021 after waiting 3 months for correct diagnosis then I received  25 March a lumpectomy then 2 weeks later a scrape ( as much bigger than they thought )  next evening an emergency haematoma removal 

July 2021 Radiotherapy fir 2 weeks ( 9months off work total )

all this was during covid ! 

re-occurrence already back by January. 2023 The nightmare was back so soon unfortunately- 

  • Hello MarleyHarley, 

    A warm welcome to our friendly forum and of course you can post on here at any time of day or night and you can say as much as you want - we are here to listen and support you. I am so sorry that you haven't been able to sleep for months on end, poor you you must be exhausted. Do talk to your GP about this I am sure they will have some good suggestions for you to help you get some much needed rest again. As you said yourself, the worst thing you can do and which will keep you up feeling anxious at night is googling things. You've probably discovered that it only leads to more questioning and never provides any satisfactory answers. 

    You went through all this during covid poor you, it can't have been easy and I am so sorry to hear you had a re-occurrence. I hope that you are being looked after well. Our website has useful information on triple negative breast cancer though you probably know a lot about it by now! If you ever had any question playing on your mind, our nurses are available on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their helpline is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    You are not alone here with this triple negative breast cancer diagnosis and I hope that you will hear from other ladies here who have been diagnosed with the same. I did a little forum search for you and thought I would mention in particular a thread from only three days ago by  with the title Triple Negative Breast Cancer. This lady who is a similar age to you when you were first diagnosed is about to start chemotherapy and was only diagnosed a few days ago. Feel free to respond to her if you wish with your story and experiences - it helps to talk to others in a similar boat.  also posted this thread a few months ago and would be another great person for you to connect with so don't hesitate as well to post a reply on her thread. Those are only a few examples - and there are many more - and I hope that you will hear from others here who have had a triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. 

    I hope you manage to get some restful sleep tonight and in the coming days and that your treatment is going well. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there, I'll send you a friend request x

  • Hi MarleyHarley,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis and subsequent re-occurrence. I had a recurrence a year after I had a lumpectomy and then had a double mastectomy. My cancer was Stage 1, pure mucinous cancer and was supposed to be one of the less aggressive cancers, so I was quite surprised to find it back, within a year. It is a great disappointment when it recurs so soon after treatment is over.

    What plans do you have for treatment this time? I am sorry to hear that you are not sleeping. I would agree with our moderator, Lucie, that Googling is never a good idea, especially at night. Have you tried any of the mindfulness courses available locally? Going to bed at the same time every night, getting into a relaxing mood before you go to bed and staying away from all electronic devices for at least half an hour, before you go to bed can all help too.

    Please keep in touch and remember that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx