Hello , I am sat here absolutely terrified and by chance came across your chat,
I went for my very first mammogram after turning 50 in May, during the session the staff member did retake the right breast picture twice, which sort of had me worried, when I got dressed I could see a picture on the screen assuming it was mine and the Right Breast as she did that one last, there did appear to be what looked like a White area with spikes near the nipple, she told me to expect the results in 2-3 weeks, I had a call from my GP yesterday afternoon who said they had received my results and there was an abnormal result for the Right breast, he was surprised i had not yet heard from our hospital and had not yet got my letter with the results , he told me not to worry, well i am , lots
I lost a friend to breast cancer earlier this year , and hers was picked up in a mammogram and she died aged 59.
I have of course 'Googled' which i know everyone says not too, but I could not help it as what i saw on the screen now has me very concerned.
I have always 'checked' myself and certainly went to town on them last night thinking I have missed it and could not find anything that i could not find in the left,
I suppose what I am asking is , if a recall on a first is very common, what might be the white area i saw ,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I do hope you are all well, and I hope I am worrying over absolutely nothing