Breast cancer bad day

Hi everyone, I’m about 8 weeks after diagnosis for invasive ducal carcinoma, I’ve had single mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and then last Wednesday another op to have lymph nodes removed. I’ve now been told that it will be about two weeks to find out results on if I need chemotherapy. Today I’m having a really bad day, so far I’ve been able to hold it together but today everything has got on top of me. I have been loaded with so much information all at once that seems to keep changing with different people, I just can’t keep up. All I now want to do is scream at the top of my voice and then roll into a ball and cry. I feel like I’m in total meltdown. It’s all been too much to take in, in the last few weeks. I go to bed worrying about what will happen and wake up worrying about what will happen. Friends and family think they’re helping by talking about what they’re doing and showing holiday pics and trying to make everything normal but it just makes me feel more depressed knowing I can’t do any of these things, which in turn makes me feel bad as they’re just trying to help. I have elderly parents 87 and 88 who I’m also trying to put a brave face on for and I just don’t think I can do it any more. Is there anyone else who feels similar or can offer any advice to get over these negative feelings before I end up smashing things in my home. Thanks in advance.

  • Sassy 

    I hope your meet up with your friends help lovely trust me you will come out other side stronger than ever big hugs love Lara xxx 

  • Thank Lara xxx

  • Sassy 

    Did you have chemo first ? Or are you awaiting results on lymph to see if chemo is required ? 
    I had the Oncotype DX test after my results to determine if chemo was required have you heard of this ? Xx love Lara xx 

  • Hi Lara, I’m having the Oncotype DX test and should get my results in about a weeks time. It would be interesting to hear how you got on xxx

  • Glad you’ve had a better day xx

  • Great that they have done the Oncotype for you it’s a good thing as you have actual fact on your tumour alone and not stats , mine came back no chemo required I had bought wigs spent a absolute fortune mentally prepared for chemo my score came back under 10 that day the results came back I had a huge party .


    hoping you get a low score I’m 49 so it would have had to have been over 26 for chemo to have gone ahead x 

  • Oh what a relief for you to get a low score, I’m 59 and not really sure what I have to get under but like you I have tried to mentally prepare myself for chemo, which I find terrifying. I have done a bit of research into wigs and have a couple of favourites but just hoping it doesn’t come to this. I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge someone bought me to celebrate when treatment stops. Fingers crossed I’ll be opening it soon.

  • Good for you! Celebrate for what you’ve achieved so far! Xx

  • ️ ️good point 

  • Yes , I know it’s so awful going through this . Breast cancer , the gift that keeps giving eh? The thought of chemo , wigs etc terrifies me as well .I still don’t know if I’m going to need it. I’m trying my best to just focus on today , one day at a time , because if you look too far ahead and start analysing it just gives you sleepless nights and you think you’re going nuts. Well meaning friends think they’re helping but sometimes do the opposite . 
    One said to me “Oh if I had cancer I would want breast cancer as it’s the BEST cancer to have ????” 
    Anyway , hope you  have a better day today x 

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