Throat biopsy - how do you cope with wait for results?

Good afternoon, I'm new here. I'm 57 yrs old. After having a sore throat from dec last year and my GP finding a mass with lesions I was fast tracked for a throat biopsy which I had on the 17-02. From seeing my GP to seeing constant and surgery was less than 3 weeks. Now it's the awful wait for results. How do you all cope while waiting for the results? my heads in bits waiting and also has anyone else ended up with infection in biopsy site along with ulceration if so how did you help the pain. Im on antibiotics and codiene which up to now isn't working, feeling stressed out with no one to talk to.

 Thank you x

  • Hi sue in now just over 4 years snd just returned from Spain all good with me still have issues with spicy food and odd spells of dry mouth. Do you have acid reflux as it's a common side effect that can cause inflammation. 
    fungers x and let us know 

    Hugs Hazel xx

  • Hi Hazel, glad all is going well for you, hope you had an amazing time in Spain.

    yes I'm suffering terribly acid reflux which I've never had before, my last 3 month check was all fine this time they did biopsies, hopefully all ok but if not I will deal with it when time comes, it's the waiting to find out I struggle with, took weeks at the beginning to tell me I had some abnormal cells but they had removed them all and no further treatment was needed just 3 monthly checks. Hopefully won't have to wait as long this time seen as how lockdown is over.

    take care and huge hugs back

    Sue x

  • Hi Sue I take a 20 mg omaprozole never needed it before. Yes had smashing trip. Now back ti the heating on ( or not according to hubby ) but it us what it is. I've check uo 6 December thrn only one more to 5 year !

    Hazel xx

  • On hold with gp now, hopefully they have had email from consultant and I can get something for it. We have had heating on a couple of times now but on the whole it's still quite mild, you will be feeling the difference after being in Spain. Got everything crossed all is still well with you on the 6th, I'm sure it will be. Good luck and keep us posted.

    hugs Sue xx

  • Hi All!,

    Sorry about the delay in replying but I've only recently got back from 2 weeks in Florida. As always we had the most fantastic time. It some people's idea of hell but we love doing the whole Disney thing every time we go out there and it includes huge amounts of walking, eating and drinking!

    Sue, sorry to hear about your reflux but glad your bio's came back all clear. As we all know the waiting is horrendously stressfull and exhausting. Let's hope you get to the bottom of hat is causing it all and can start doing something to ease the discomfort.

    Hazel glad you had another fab holiday. How did your meeting on 6th go?

    Up until the last week I have been doing fantastically well and the 3 meetings I've had with my team (2 telephone and one face to face) have all gone wonderfully and they have been so impressed with my recovery. I'm able to eat and drink whatever I want but still have moments where food is reluctant to go down without the aid of some water (I have a bottle of water by my side 24/7). I'm back at the gym 3 times a week and running (despite a leg which is still swollen and aches from having DVT). I still get hellish dry mouth at times and more recently throat as well but I'm learning to ive with that.

    However, every now and again I feel somethin weird in my throat where the cancer formed and I get mega stressed out that it is returning. This last week has been quite bad and felt like it did when I first got diagnosed (altho not as bad). I came down with Covid last week and have had the aches and pains and cough so maybe its a side effect of that but I won't lie, its scares the cr@p out of me.

    I mentioned it in my last consult (Friday just gone) to the team and the Doc didn't seem overly concerned and I have a face to face scheduled for Feb. I've told myself that if I still feel like this after Christmas I will go and see them earlier.

    Hazel did you ever experience periods during recovery when you thought it might be returning? I realise the radio can take a long long time to recover from (the Doctors never fail to remind me of that :) )

    Jo, really hope you are doing ok and get back to us.

    If we don't speak again before Christmas have a fantastic time all!



  • Hi Al, so lovely to hear from you and even better to hear you are doing so well, I'm still waiting for results from latest biopsies in my esophagus, like you I'm struggling with swallowing, they are so far behind in clinic here I've no idea when I will see my consultant and get the results. Im shattered all the time and this reflux acid is terrible, hopefully the inflammation of the small intestine is soon gone, hoping the reflux goes with it, again I have to wait for consultant to find out what he wants to do about it. My GP has given me omeprazole for reflux but to be honest it isn't helping at all. Hopefully I won't be waiting too long for clinic appointment. Glad you got yourself away on holiday and good luck with your face to face in February.

    sending hugs

    sue x

  • Hi al In all honesty reoccurrence s never x my mind. After we get to test ins the chances are very slight evrn in first test tge chances  are negligible I know  if only 2 and both have bern treated successfully. My oncologist said he would cure he did he also said he would  take a year of my life he did that as well. 
    it could well be the effects of covid as well. I got it in March snd for a few days  throat was like glass. Remember our treatment was brutal it had to be ti kill the cancer. I've learned ti live with the dry mouth and odd food issues . Spicy will never pass my Lips  again. I've got burning mouth  issues  but by process of elimination cheese my favourite and chocolate are the triggers. If I really want to eat them I do and pay the consequences. Well hubby does has I didn't hours saying my tongues burning. 
    Merry Christmas all Hazel xx

    ps Jo us ok I'm in touch with her she got the all clear as well. 

  • Fantastic news for Jo, send her my love and a very merry Christmas to you all too.

    sue xxx

  • Hi Hazel,

    Thanks for the reassurances. I'm sure its just me being over concerned. Fantastic news about Jo! send her my love.

    Have a brilliant Christmas all and a Happy (and healthy!) New year!



  • Hi Al. You're welcome. 
    Try to chill it will get easier. 

    Hazel x