Throat biopsy - how do you cope with wait for results?

Good afternoon, I'm new here. I'm 57 yrs old. After having a sore throat from dec last year and my GP finding a mass with lesions I was fast tracked for a throat biopsy which I had on the 17-02. From seeing my GP to seeing constant and surgery was less than 3 weeks. Now it's the awful wait for results. How do you all cope while waiting for the results? my heads in bits waiting and also has anyone else ended up with infection in biopsy site along with ulceration if so how did you help the pain. Im on antibiotics and codiene which up to now isn't working, feeling stressed out with no one to talk to.

 Thank you x

  • Hi Jo,

    Great news!, its amazing how much of a lift you get from having a plan in place. Now for u to get that PET scan out of the wy and get the treatment started!.

    I also have some updates. Just got back from hospital dentist and have to have 2 teeth out, wasn't absolutely necessary but I thought I would err on the side of caution and it was better than I expected. Arrived home to a letter for my first visit to the hospital where I will be having my treatment....that is this Friday at 10am, and also just had a call for a visit from a nurse the day before my PEG fitting on the 14th.....phew!

    Edging closer to claiming our lives back! I told my friends I will be buying them all t shirts saying "he beat cancer" with an arrow pointing to me for them to wear when we meet up.....they weren't impressed :laugh:

    Bring it on!



  • Hi Jo yep I get around   

    If you're really bored look on here at our thread if you look under RadioactiveRaz in the search person you'll find the thread

    Radiotherapy For Throat Cancer

    it will keep you amused with our ramblings whilst I and a few others were going through treatment




  • Haha thanks Hazel - interesting to read through ️

  • Update alert  

    PET scan booked for next Thursday - i really do think they held back waiting on final biopsy result - anyhow , there must be ryhme and reason for how they function - was told to stay away from my daughter for 6 hrs after as I will be radiactive ️

    Al, do you have stay in overnight to have your peg fitted or are you on day surgery ?



  • Hi Jo,

    Good news about the PET scan...when it comes back all cler it will be another big step forward. I noticed something really strange in the PET knitting before the scan! :laugh:

    As far as I'm aware I should be out the same day as the PEG is fitted, certainly thats what all the paperwork at 10.25 and should be out 4 hours after the op around 4ish I reckon. I have a nurse visiting me the day before the op to talk about PEG care etc so will confirm it with her.

    Also just found out my final ultrasound (to check the lymph nodes in the left side of my neck) will be on the 22nd.

    All being well I hope to start my chemo/radio before the end of the month.



  • Hi Jo yes you'll be radioactive hence my name on here Radioactiveraz!  I was told not to see grandson for 12 hours and no baby's fir 24. I wasn't allowed to read look at my phone or anything for the one hour after I was inhdcted with the radioactive serum. I was in a room with nothing on the walls ti distract yiu. Now dani in other hand  could  read. No rhyme nor reason . It's fascinating watching the serum come into took in its own box with yellow skul n crossbow on it. After an hour where you have ti drink you're allowed a loo visit then intk the scanner. It's quieter than the mri ms Hines. As fir org again friends in hospital trust policy. 
    thjngs are starting to move. 
    Hazel x

  • Yes we rambled on am stil in touch with the guys as well 

    hazel xx

  • Hi Jo/Sue and all on here,

    Update from me. I had my first visit to the hospital where I will be receiving my chemo/radio yesterday. Met all my nurses and the doctor who will be looking after me and what a lovely bunch they are!

    First bit of news was good news and that is that the type of cancer I have is the more treatable one...p16.....woohoo!!!!. They went thru all the possible side effects I may suffer (which I know off by heart now) and surprised me by asking if I wanted my mask fitted there and then...I wasn't expecting that but it was a doddle and not at all uncomfortable. I also learned a painful lesson yesterday, drink plenty of water before having any blood tests or cannula's inserted.....I didn't and they couldn't find my veins!....I was a human pin cushion by the end of the visit and they ended up using the back of my hand (which I actually prefer tbh).

    I now have a schedule for my treatment which is fantastic!. I start on the 25th with a 10 hour chemo session (whoop whoop) followed 2 days later by the start of my radiotherapy which will finish on the 7th June (big big date in the calendar!), I also have another chemo session on week 5.

    Next week is fun packed, Monday I have a hearing test (one of the drugs may cause tinnitus so depending on the results that will dictate which drug they give me), Tuesday I have 2 teeth out, Wednesday I have a visit from the PEG nurse to coach me on using it and Thursday I have the PEG fitted....phew!

    It may sound strange but I'm so happy to have an actual schedule in front of me but at the same time I am under no illusions about the possible side effects (Hazel I read your blog wich was amazing and inspiring).

    Anyway, enough about me, Jo/Sue, and anyone else reading this, how are you doing?



  • oh my gosh ,,  I am left eating your dust , speeding off ahead of me .. lol 

    Great news all round..  

    you are going to be a few weeks ahead of me at this rate.. wow , I feel so worried mine just isnt moving so fast as yours ... eeek! 

    Blimey 10hrs of chemo - thats is a darn long day ! are you in and out the same day  or is that an overnighter ? 



  • Hi Jo,

    I'm surprisingly shocked by how fast things are moving and cannot fault the NHS. I wouldn't worry if I was you, I think I have just been lucky and I'm sure a couple of weeks won't make any difference in the grand scheme of things....... we will be comparing treatment notes very soon.

    Both chemo sessions are home the same day, my daughter is taking me for the first one and and will bring her laptop so she can work whilst I'm being drugged up.....second session my girlfriend will do the same. Actually it may not be as long as 10 hours I'm not sure where I got that number from (may have read it somewhere) it was information overload yesterday :laugh:.....I do know that it is an all dayer tho but I will only stay overnight if I have a very bad reaction.

