Throat biopsy - how do you cope with wait for results?

Good afternoon, I'm new here. I'm 57 yrs old. After having a sore throat from dec last year and my GP finding a mass with lesions I was fast tracked for a throat biopsy which I had on the 17-02. From seeing my GP to seeing constant and surgery was less than 3 weeks. Now it's the awful wait for results. How do you all cope while waiting for the results? my heads in bits waiting and also has anyone else ended up with infection in biopsy site along with ulceration if so how did you help the pain. Im on antibiotics and codiene which up to now isn't working, feeling stressed out with no one to talk to.

 Thank you x

  • Aww bless you, you are going through it, it's absolutely awful. Your tablets for anxiety will probably take a couple of weeks to kick in I'm afraid, my GP is talking about putting my dosage up from 60mg to 100mg as I am not in the best of places either. Hopefully your antibiotics help and are you gargling with corsodyl mouth wash? That has helped my throat a lot. And I agree I don't think stitches are the best for your throat. I see my G  as p on Monday afternoon so fingers crossed she has a report of results there as I still haven't had my hospital appointment.

    sending hugs

    sue x

  • That was supposed to say GP!!! doh  

  • Oh , Monday cant come soon enough for you  I bet.  Yes, the doc gave me Diazapam, she said it was instant compared to normal medication , as you say, she said it would take some time to build up in my sytem  and I probably was best not prolonging anxiety any longer but only to take when really needed.  She wanted to try beta blockers but because I have a history of asthma that wasnt an option so my options were pretty limited to Diazepam.  I was expecting this tablet to take me to a Happy Place given what I read up on Diazapem , but think I am immune to happy places at the moment haha!

    I have been using simple diluted rock salt and cooled boiled water to keep things calm in my mouth but this morning another stitch fell away when I was rinsing .  I take paracetemol and ibuprofen almost four hourly , stopped taking Codiene as it made me feel like crap tbh and unable to function and didnt seem to do anymore than para's etc.  

    Keep me updated on your visit Monday .. you will certainly be in my thoughts.  Hopefully you are able to enjoy some proper food now you have cleared those stitches etc.. odd isnt that these are supposed to be dissolvable yet three weeks on you still had them stuck there, whereas mine cant wait to be gone.. 

    Enjoy the remains of the weekend Sue .. I  really could do with a wine or a stiff whiskey :love: ️ 




  • It certainly can't come quick enough. I'm on duloxatine but they don't seem to be hitting the spot, I'm the same due to me being on inhalers and they will hopefully eventually help with my wrists and hands that are still painful and have reduced mobility in them since breaking them both 2 years ago, there's only certain meds you can take, I also can't take any anti inflammatory pills as they affect my bowel disease and codiene didn't help. 

    Let's face it I'm falling apart at the min everything is going wrong with my body.

    hope you are soon on the mend, I will keep you updated and you also have the best weekend you possibly can. 

    not heard from you for a few days hope all is well and you are getting positive news still.

    hugs to you both

    sue xx

  • Morning Ladies,

    So sorry to hear you are both suffering. I was quite bouyed when Jo posted just after her biopsy but it appears the healing process is a long and very painful one. I have my needle biopsy on Wednesday but I hear that is relatively straightforward and painless and I should be in and out in an hour. If that comes back all clear I will be over the moon

    Tongue biopsy is Monday afternoon so I have plenty of time to stress. I am taking note of all the tips on what to use to help recovery but I am also preparing myself mentally for the pain and discomfort after the op.

    Hope you get some good news at the Docs today Sue, and Jo hope the healing process speeds up.

    On a lighter note i have been trying to lose weight for ages so if that is a side effect of the biopsy then I'll take it :laugh:

    Thinking of you both



  • Good morning Alan, 

    good luck with your needle biopsy, I didn't have one so can't confirm one way or the other if it's painful, hopefully not, also good luck on Monday, I will be thinking of you and praying for a quick recovery and positive results for you.The healing has taken a lot longer than I expected but am now getting there slowly. Thank you for your good luck wishes for today, hopefully my GP will have the report from the hospital as I still have received my appointment from them. I will keep you updated once I've been.

    sue x

  • Hi Alan

    Please dont judge by my experience - i think i am one of the unlucky folk whose body rejects stitches and this happened so quick my op site was still very much a fresh wound -its called "suture spitting"  -  i have never had sttitches before so this was not foreseeble 

    I am a lot better and taking antibioctics seemed to help my wound  calm down . Now eating soggy dunked biscuits - its bliss 

    Lol at diet - ironically I started a keto diet at the turn of the new year  .. not that I am badly overweight but I was struggling to get into my clothes and reluctant to buy the next size up.  Well , the keto diet is out the window now . Anxiety seems to burn up calories extremely well for me  haha - I dont recommend this kind of diet though but  clothes now fit well again .. so that saved me some pennies 

    I think a tongue biopsy is not that bad , the tongue heals very very quickly .  Salt water washes highly recommended for the tongue healing but avoid mouthwash with alchohol content  ..  your down time on general food should be very minimal  

    AND ... Sue all the best for today I hope you get some positiive answers from you GP (keeping everything  crossed for you) 



  • I hope all went well with your GP yesterday , Sue 



  • Hi jo,

    I feel a little more positive after seeing GP, there was some abnormal cells but the results were inconclusive which apparently is a positive sign. She hasn't received all the results from hospital so couldn't totally rule anything out but it's a start and a little more than I knew before I went to see her. Hopefully my appointment with consultant will arrive soon and I get confirmed answers.

    hope you are starting to feel better and praying for good news for you.


    sue x

  • Thats such great news Sue.  I was thinking lastnight that the fact they dont seem to be rushing you back in , is a positive sign , in that they dont think your condition serious and seem to be letting you now drift through the system . Hopefully you are able to eat better now ? How is the biopsy site, can you see yours ?  Was you lesion sore before you were referred by GP ? 

    Sadly, I think all my stitches have now been rejected by my body but I am not in so much pain and even find I am not taking so many painkillers .   I am glad I went and got anitbiotics last week though as they did seem to reduce the inflammation hugely even though the Dr said it didnt look infected , the pain was making me question that but then most peoples stitches dont pop out  in less than 48 hrs  of an op so maybe this was what the pain was all about.   I am not tempted to try and eat anything solid until I see the wound start to close up ..its pretty weird ( and grim)  to be able to see above the roof of your mouth lol TMI  I know ... the only thng is how long it will take to heal over naturally as they took quite a lot away * shrugs  

