Throat biopsy - how do you cope with wait for results?

Good afternoon, I'm new here. I'm 57 yrs old. After having a sore throat from dec last year and my GP finding a mass with lesions I was fast tracked for a throat biopsy which I had on the 17-02. From seeing my GP to seeing constant and surgery was less than 3 weeks. Now it's the awful wait for results. How do you all cope while waiting for the results? my heads in bits waiting and also has anyone else ended up with infection in biopsy site along with ulceration if so how did you help the pain. Im on antibiotics and codiene which up to now isn't working, feeling stressed out with no one to talk to.

 Thank you x

  • Hi Alan , Yes , it is always re-assuring to see others experiencing similar and realise we all share the same thoughts , fear and anxiety .   Oddy, when I went to my 2ww urgent ENT and was sat waiting , my vet (who my cats are registered with)  was there too .. I had a hunch she too was on a urgent 2ww  as she had no paperwork like me .. all people with paperwork seemed to be on a normal track appointment .  (Playing detective in waiting room lol). Anyway, when I was in day surgery recovery yesterday from my biopsy my vet walked passed too and when I was leaving I passed her just being discharged .   Seems our timings and health issues are very similar - no doubt she will be back for her results the same day as me too .( i see her clock me but being masked up she wasnt too sure if she knew me or not) 

    Before I left hospital lastnight I asked about painkillers and what to do if pain was not being controlled by paracetamol and the nurse then issued me with codiene to take home so be sure to do the same Alan..   I have several stitches to the back soft palate and a patch of palate skin has  been taken away leaving a lumpy cell like texture  .. not too grim to look at considering lol  . Tongue is bruised but  absolutely no pain , all teeth present and correct .  I had no sickness from the anaesthetic and was drinking almost immediately when I woke.  Only discomfort is when I swallow and I am sticking to soup and ice cream for meals for the next few days (planned ahead) .. I am going to get a jar of manuka honey for my tea as it is supposed to have great healing benefits , so thought it may help my wounds .  You will be fine - I am the biggest wuss there is for hospitals and my anxiety was off the scale yesterday - looking back now , I realise it was a teenie tiny hurdle and i was being my normaly anxy self unnecessarily 

    Today i am having a chill day .. on sofa with my book 





  • Whatever happens we will have a hell of a story to tell when this is all done.

    So glad to hear you are home and relatively pain free Jo.

    I would like to think that I am pretty good with pain (even for a man :wink:). I have had many tooth abcesses in my life. This whole experience has already been life changing and when we do get through this nothing should ever scare us again.

    I will definitely make sure I have plenty of pain killers and get some of the strong stuff from the hospital just in case.

    have a nice chill day both of you



  • Hi Sue

    My sister is a dental hygenist and she advised me to get some gengigel to help with trauma to gums / 'mouth - she said many of her patients swear by it - obviously our wounds are a little deeper but i bought some anyway (anything is worth a go)  and I have been applying it direct to wound and gently rubbing it in with my tongue   - I must admit , theres not a chance in hell I will be eating solid food for a while - disappointing that  this is not mentioned in aftercare by anyone - even soups I am having to blend and eat by straw away from the biospy site  



  • Aww I'm so sorry you are suffering jo, hopefully you will heal quickly, my nurse at clinic said to eat solid food asap as it helps with the healing, she obviously has no clue on how painful it is, wishing you a speedy recovery and clear results.


    sue x

  • Well a new turn of events - my stitches have come undone and I now have a hole in my soft palate - have emergency contact for ENT but no-one is picking up :neutral: 

  • Straight to A&E they will sort you. Good luck hun xxx

  • Spoke to them , they said not to worry it will heal on its own :neutral:

  • Hi Sue

    Just wondered how you are healing up ? 



  • Hi jo, I'm getting there, coughed 2 big lumps of white stuff and stitches up this morning since then the pain has eased loads and soreness is considerably less than it was which is a huge relief. How are you fairing? Hope you aren't suffering too much.

    sue xxx

  • Wow haopy to hear this Sue , progress at last .  I have lost a few more stitches and the hole in my palate is pretty grim .  Eating is a massive challange at the moment - soups , fruit shakes and ice cream but litlerally I have to eat so slowly and the tiniest amount at a time (took me 30 minutes to eat half a cup of soup lol it was stonr cold by the time finished )  . Weight has fell off me , which scares me as I am not sure if it is anxiety , lack of food or a dreaded symptom  - that said , my weight was fine until I got referred on this trek - so  i think anxiety is burning up what little I am able to eat .  

    I managed to see my GP yesterday as i was worried with the pain and she issued me some anitbiotics and said take them if things get worse , but what the heck I am taking them now to be sure and not waiting for anything to worsen .  Also given some anxiety medication .. took some lastnight , didnt seem to do dip lol  

    When do you get to see somone again ? .. i  dont think stitches and throats are comaptible given we both seem to have had issues 

