Ascites - stage 4 cancer. Is end near?

Hello all,

My mum has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, which has spread to the liver. 
Doctors have also stated my mum has ascites. Looking online about ascites, it states it is a sign of end life. Is this really the case? Has anyone had this, or know someone who has? 
We were unaware of the ascites, as my mum already had a big stomach due to a 11cm fibroid. So did not notice the ascites earlier. I just wish we had. But the size of her stomach was the main way that doctors initially thought she may have cancer. 
I have read that draining is a way of relieving symptoms. But can this ever the reversed- ie/ if chemo is offfered. 
I feel really scared, after reading about ascites. It also states life expectancy is a few months. However doctors have not confirmed how long my mum has left yet. I'm scared it could be a few weeks.

Please can someone help in regards to ascites? Any information is helpful.


Thanks in advance! 

Kind Regards,


  • Long story my mom has been having pain chronic pain down by her ovaries up her side an into her stomach for about 6-8months now been in A&E 2-5 times doing X-rays CT scans etc she was taken and admitted to surgical assessment unit in which they said could potentially be ovarian cancer sent her home had her first gynaecologist oncology appointment he was worried didn't like how my mom was and he admitted her ASAP they want to drain this fluid off which is ascities in the abdomen couldn't keep the drain in as dangerous they said they did manage to get a sample, I'm so worried as to wheather it is ovarian cancer can anyone help the colour of the fluid drained for the sample we're like brownish‍♀️We're going in a continuous circle getting no answers etc does anyone know how long we're gonna be waiting for the results of the fluid thanks in advance 

  • Hi, 

    My husband has malignant ascites.   Please can you tell my how your Mum was treated for the condition.?


    Please, anyone else reading this, please give me all the help you can, I'm desperate.

  • Hello 2102,

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband. There is more information on ascites here, which I hope might be useful. If you need to speak to someone, our team of cancer nurses are available from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm on the freephone 0808 800 4040.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Hi 

    My mum is currently in hospital with ascites. Waiting for a scan before they do anything. She is very uncomfortable and has seriously declined in just a week. 

    She was on a chemo drug but it caised awful side effects and then found out it didn't work anyway as tumour markers went up. She also waited 7 weeks between coming off letrazole and ibrance and starting chemo due to wait for dpd results. I feel so stupid not pushing for her to take the other oral chemo drug. Why did they wait for 7 weeks. I need to make a post and find ou lt abut that. It's beens o hard and I've been out of the loop as not been allowed to go to appointments with her due to Covid restrictions. 


    I was wondering what chemo drug you take if you can share and if you have had any further treatments for the ascites. 


    Thank you so much. 


    I am so sorry you are going throught this. Any help/advice much appreciated. I am not coping very well. A lot of guilt and blame. 

  • Hello there. Wonderful news about your mother. How is she now ?? My husband ,36 year old , has been diagnosed with appendix cancer , ascites in his abdomen and liver cancer. Building up a lot of fluid, just have it drained. He was also given 3-6 months to live, we are scared as he'll, devastated. He is about to start chimio next week. I really want to know how is your mom. Thank you. Bless

  • Hi


    My ex husband has appendix cancer diagnosed a few weeks ago which has gone to his bowel. He has ascites. 

    As appendix cancer is rare there aren't others I can ask about it. 

    Could you please tell me how your husband is now. I'm wondering what to expect you see. I have an idea as I've read the internet about it but I'm wondering what a real life experience has been like. Wondering what's ahead for him. He's 60. 

    Best Wishes 

  • Hi Vicky, I was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer 2 years ago, underwent 7 months of chemo and then put on Rucaparib which is a Parp Hinibitor ( blocks cancer cells ) in Feb 2022. CT scans have so far been promising but I dread every result ( I have one due next week ).I have ascities which I'm sure is getting worse , I look 7 months pregnant, This condition was never mentioned, I've read about getting fluid drained , did your Mum request it and how many times did she have it drained , did her tummy reduce in size straight away and more importantly, was it painful. I hope your mum is doing well

  • So sorry you are all going through this but life expectancy is very hard to predict as your body is a complex machine. Unfortunately late stage cancer is about organs reacting to being invaded by cancer and losing their function. The treatment is based on treating each symptom which may come and go in severity. Draining ascites will certainly give immediate relief but the liver is needed to detoxify chemo so is not usually recommended.

    If your Mum has late stage cancer, you need to enjoy as much time as you can with her. My Mum died with cancer related surgery leading to me having tests and finding advanced breast cancer in both breasts, which have both been surgically removed 2 weeks ago (plus 21 lymph nodes). I was lucky to spend some great times doing the things Mum wanted to do without realising she was going to die suddenly. The early fear of inflammatory cancer and the possibility of me dying within a few weeks made me make a list of things I wanted to do before I died. Many involved doing particular activities with each child. Try to get your Mum to do this and accompany her enjoying what time she has left. Sincerest best wishes to you both xx