Ascites - stage 4 cancer. Is end near?

Hello all,

My mum has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer, which has spread to the liver. 
Doctors have also stated my mum has ascites. Looking online about ascites, it states it is a sign of end life. Is this really the case? Has anyone had this, or know someone who has? 
We were unaware of the ascites, as my mum already had a big stomach due to a 11cm fibroid. So did not notice the ascites earlier. I just wish we had. But the size of her stomach was the main way that doctors initially thought she may have cancer. 
I have read that draining is a way of relieving symptoms. But can this ever the reversed- ie/ if chemo is offfered. 
I feel really scared, after reading about ascites. It also states life expectancy is a few months. However doctors have not confirmed how long my mum has left yet. I'm scared it could be a few weeks.

Please can someone help in regards to ascites? Any information is helpful.


Thanks in advance! 

Kind Regards,


  • I'm so sorry about your mum. I'm currently looking after my father at home, along with my family. He is being given hospice care at home as there is no more that medically can be done for his bowel, liver and lung cancer. My father developed ascites over the course of about two months. He had it drained in hospital a few days ago, they got 11litres of fluid out which has made him more comfortable. So I would recommend the drain for your mum. 

  • Hey, thank you so much for your reply. Did he have 11 litres drained in one day, and was this done by the palliative nurses/ hospice?
    Also was the concept of ascites explained to you- sorry as this hasn't really been explained to us, ie in regards to life expectancy, I just know it's a sign of end life 
    We spoke to the hospital in regards to draining, they mentioned only 2 litres could be done at a time, so not too sure the process

  • Hi just thought I'll reach out , my mam was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and had ascites build up couldn't eat , slept all day, the doctors told my mam she has 3-6 months left to live and now she's still here with us a year later. She had her ascites drained about 3/4 times when the ascites was drained she was able to eat etc all again... I'm 22 , my mam is only 44, cant imagine life without her I keep hoping for a miracle, stay strong xx


  • Hey Vicky,

    Thank you so much for your reply! It gives me hope that you're mum is still here, a year on. You mentioned miracle, but the fact your mum has already beaten the doctors prediction, is a little miracle within itself. So don't give up hope- your mum has it in her to beat the cancer, and she will. Focus on the small wins, and take each day as it comes. 

    Please try to stay positive, I know it's so hard, as your mum is so young. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. My mum is 55 and I'm 27, and I've struggled so much. I never thought my mum would get ill, so young. I always pictured my mum being really old, when she got ill. I always thought she'd meet my children, see my siblings graduate/ get married, and the possibility that might not ever happen, honestly kills me. 

    I never thought we'd have to experience this nightmare at such a young age. I also have younger siblings, who are similar age to you, who are equally as distraught - so I understand your pain. 

    Always here if you want to talk, again thanks so much for reaching out - it means a lot

    Sending you lots of love and prayers xx

  • Thank you for the kind words ️ Your mam is also young , did she get her ascites drained ? 

    I also keep thinking about the things my mam might not be here for because of this illness it's so unfair what's worse is I have young siblings ages 2,7,13,16... my heart breaks for them... and last week we found out that the cancer started growing again after it stopped for months very devastated with the news and my mother thought she's getting better because she felt well..

    I'll keep your mother in my thoughts hope she carry's on for a long time, a positive attitude always helps, stay strong and don't give up. She's still young she's higher chances of fighting.

    Messages open if you ever want to have a chat 

    take care xx


  • Hi lovely soul - so sorry about your mum . Just to say I have had ascites last year - I had stage 4 peritoneal cancer after breast canc er three years before. Anyway I took Karelia juice which is an Indian juice from v bitter Karela  fruit and it helped a lot. You can get it on Amazon and it tastes disgusting but helped. The chemo got rid of the ascites and I'm now on permanent chemo but worth a try? Ascites is horribly 7ncomfortable and leaves u unable to eat much so vegetable juice is also good to take little and often ( I mad e my own)........take care and keep,strong  and remember these doctors are only human they don't always get it right......with love xx

  • Hey- thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate you taking out the time to provide your recommendation 
    I'm sorry to hear about your cancer, but it gives me hope that you have been able to relieve the symptoms of the ascites- will defo give the Karelia juice a try. 
    Mum had 2 litres drained, but it still seems she has a lot of fluid left, her stomach almost looks pregnant- so we're looking into getting it drained soon. But just hoping we can remove most of the fluid, so she can eat without any trouble. The lack of food is making her really weak :( 

    Wishing you the best of luck with your chemo, sending you lots of love and prayers x 

  • Hi Sadin

    My dad had stage 4 rare incurable cancer and passed away recently after battling it for 15 months. I was the main caregiver for dad through out his diagnoses to end of life care. Dad too suffered ascites which use to grow slowly at the start and never required drainage and the chemo use to help, however in the last 6 months of dads life we had it drained 3 times  every 2 -3 months normally around 5lt over 2 days. Chemo had to be put on stop due to COVID last year Feb after dad finished his first cycle of chemo as he was at high risk of catching the virus. tumours grew back with revenge and they had to start chemo again last year May. During this time dads tumours had grown so much that in Aug they they stop 2nd cycle of chemo as it was not helping in anyway. Dad started to deteriorate slowly. Closer to end of life the ascities fulled up the tummy every 4 weeks and we had it drained twice in the last two months of dads life (5-6 ltr drained over 2 days) .  I noticed as dad approached  end of life it filled up with in 2 weeks to a point where drainage was no longer an option. Dad was no longer able to eat, walk and was not comfortable in bed in the last two weeks. Dads feet had swollen with fluid literally like elephant feet which use to weep. It was horrible to see dad in so more discomfort due to the ascities in his tummy and how big his tummy had got. Dad looked 12. Months pregnant  In the last two weeks dad deteriorated so fast it was hard to see him like that. We increased dads pain relief to make him comfortable. The fluid slowly made its way to his lungs in the last two days which is when he sadly passed away in Nov last year at the age of 61. I am only 41 and have sibblings aged 34, 36, 38. Loosing dad was like a nightmare which I live day in and day out. The chemo side affects dad suffered torment me even today. I think why my dad he did not deserve this! Why has everyone else got there dad and not me. I miss him so so much! They say time heals it's now 5 months and the pain feels the same and it feels like it was only yesterday we lost dad to such a terrible disease. I hope this helps you in some way and hope you mum is keeping well too.




  • Hey, thank you so much for your reply ️ I am really sorry to hear about your dad, and I hope with time, you come to peace with him passing and can remember all the good times you had with him.

    My mum also passed, 7 weeks after diagnosis on the 31st March. It's been really difficult for me, as it's still so raw. I don't think I ever came to terms with her even having cancer, as her deterioration was so rapid. Some days are harder than others, and the pain is as intense as when she first passed away. But im taking each day as it comes, and allowing myself to grief and not be too hard on myself.

    Always here if you want to talk- sending lots of love and prayers xx

  • It's so sad reading some of the plights people have gone through but amazing at everyone's strength . My Dad went in two days ago with Ascites . It's tough hearing what's to come . I live so far from him. It's tough but I have family near him which helps but wish I could be there to, too help . 
    He's a tough cookie and is 83 . Last week he was going to be bricking up a wall . He really is amazing but the cancer is such a horrible illness . It's tough to now see him in hospital and to hear about ascites is a sign of nearing the end . Though I wouldn't be surprised if he knocks into touch for another year . The next few weeks I'm sure will tell us more . 
    keep strong everyone . You are all amazing people .