Not scared of death is this normal

Hello I was fighting stage 4 breast cancer spread in to my lungs since May 2019.2 weeks ago found out my chest is stable but its in my brain now.I am 43 and first very dissapointed because once is in the brain is end of story.Now I am going to.have 10 days radiotherapy and then i requested chemo tablets.Well I was full of hope.not anymore.I was laughing to the nurse today because I know I am going to die and radiotherapy is not going to help.I refused to take the steroids because made my life miserable.It this normal to laugh when you know you going to be dead soon?

  • Hi Billy.I had a prostatectomy 8 years ago.Im now in trouble again .Got pain in my groin especially right hand side .

    My bum is hurting too at times and my penis too.I can still wee but have to wait for it.Got PSA Friday and ultrasound Monday 22nd ,if I can last that long with the symptoms. 

    I'm expecting bad news as cant have all this without something serious. 

    No water infection as checked.mike

  • Responding to not scared of death, is this normal.

    I think it's normal if you have had time to get used to the idea. If it's diagnosed and you are only given  a month or two months then being scared is a natural thing.

    I was diagnosed with liver cancer last February 2020, I have had couple of procedures, neither went that well. So I have two options left.  this will give me upto five years extra.  it  was always inevetable it would come to this scenario. Am I scared of death NO. but I'm petrified of dying.

  • Hello I am not petrified of dying because I stopped believe to my onco is cancer.I can't move my right hand but with brain mets from October last year I am still here  have learnt to not to trust my doctor and will fly to Europe for scan.not everybody has cancer and not everyone can be trusted.Maybe I will loose my job because she can't be bothered to anything with my right arm So thanks her I am 43 and have no job.

    So I am not petrified of anything anymore. 


  • Hi alot of people aren't scared of dieing,it happens to any thing and everything even our planet earth will one day.

    Its more doing what we can while we can and as you said have a good time while you can, one thing about covid I'm now sat at home waiting for the phone to ring , rather than driving in All weathers and being in a waiting room for ages and driving back again sometimes 4hours or more from leaving home to back home the rest of the time is mine just remembering my meds now and again, and if weather is good sitting outside in the sun .or giving the house a clean.if mood takes me going for a drive somewhere nice maybe fish and chips or ice-cream somewhere.

    Life is just what we make of it,we can enjoy it or hate it I've enjoyed my time on this earth and any more time is a bonus,.if things get to hard i can just stop fighting.and wait for the big finish.

    Hope you get what you want with scans, and get things sorted soon.


  • You are a brave and loyal man. I admire your attitude to life and love.


    good luck.


    a friend 


    aunty J