Bloods too low for chemo

Hi went for chemo today and as much as I wasn't looking forward to it, I'm gutted that my bloods were too low and I couldn't have it. Have to until Monday and try again. This has put me in a negative mood. Is my body not coping as well as I thought?' 

Has this happened to anybody else? 


I have been on such a high and happy time as my daughter gave birth Monday morning to a very healthy baby boy.

  • Hi. My sister had just finished her chemo. She researched foods that were his for her immunity and ate these,broccoli, cauliflower, berries, especially strawberries, vitamin c with zinc, and a green solution that she got from Holland and Barratt. She had to delay her chemo once, but managed to keep her white cells on threshold, but once she took this green solution from H&B her cell count went from 1.5 to 4. Something.  I really believe it was due to immuno boosting 


  • That sounds good any chance you could ask your sister the name of it

    Thanks Toni

  • Hi Toni

    I am the sister, my white blood cells went down to 1.1 and after immune boosting up to 4.5.. Even though I told my onclogist and nurses they just rolled thier eyes at me and said yes it wouldnt do any harm to do this as it was very healthy but it worked!!! I have told other people having chemo and it has boosted thiers also.

    I took and still take immune boosting efferversant drink in the morning it contains 1000mg Vit C and also zinc, I eat strawberries, dried blueberries and cranberries with yoghurt. I also started to take an immune boosting shake from Holland and Barrat, it has been advertised on the TV by sports rugby player Matt something, If you ask the staff they will direct you to it. It comes in different flavours but I had the green one and chocolate one... it contains over 15 different super vegetables and foods and vitamins. it is quire expensie of between £18-£22 a pouch but it will last about 3 weeks so between cycles.

    I hope this helps and good luck!!!!!!


  • Hope you are recovering from pneumonia.

    I take iron and zinc tablets every other day and eye caps vitamin tablets.  I also have a glass of Cranberry juice most days.  I was told during my chemo that my iron count was very good   (I had been worried because several years ago I suffered from acute annemia and had to go on heavy duty iron tablets for nearly 12 months) when I told them that I took these tablets they just said well it cant hurt.  I know its the wbc that they are concerned about but it cant hurt keeping the red count up.

    Good luck

  • Hi tonim

    Sorry to read  you have been laid low with pneumonia and hope your recovery will be quick and you can get back to treatment. Sending hugs and best wishes, Jules x