Bloods too low for chemo

Hi went for chemo today and as much as I wasn't looking forward to it, I'm gutted that my bloods were too low and I couldn't have it. Have to until Monday and try again. This has put me in a negative mood. Is my body not coping as well as I thought?' 

Has this happened to anybody else? 


I have been on such a high and happy time as my daughter gave birth Monday morning to a very healthy baby boy.

  • Hi Toni, fingers crossed your blood will sort itself out in time for Monday for you.  In the meantime, many congratulations to your daughter and all the family, what a lovely gift for you all. Does he have a name yet? Details please, details?!! Take care Sue xx

  • Hi there

    Sorry to hear about your bloods being too low. It is very disappointed as my wife has advanced bowel cancer and is now 3 months into her chemo. Just before she was due for here second batch of chemo, the blood levels were too low so chemo the day after was cancelled and postponed by a week. It is very frightening and from what I discussed with my wife's oncologist, it is just down to the dosage of chemo that they have give you being too powerful and not leaving your body strong enough to fight. What they may do is reconfigure it accordingly as they start everyone off on the highest dose to see how their body reacts and then adjust it to where your body can cope. Hope this helps you.

  • Hi sue

    They have named him Jaxon (pronounced Jackson) he was born at 6.27 Monday morning weighing 7.13 &1\2 absolutely gorgeous, but then I'm biased 

    Regards Toni

  • Hi Toni, with a lovely name and a lovely family around him, he's bound to be gorgeous, biased or not! Take care Sue x

  • Bloods were too low again weds, so chemo delayed again for another week. My 6cycle ct is booked in for Monday and I'm still going to have it I think, even though I haven't had the 6th cycle. I'm so scared, excited, nervous. Can't wait to have it and get the results, but at the same time petrified in case I'm told that the chemo isn't working and the cancer has increased/ spread and my prognosis is worse.

    Fingers and everything else crossed.

  • Hi Tonim.

    Do you have CT scan results ?

    1 week After 1st chemo my mother's WBC levels were 3.5

    After 3th chemo they injected Neupogen, which help body make WBC.  we made test again, it worked well.  WBC levels were 4.5 this time.   Have your doctors already tried that drug ?






  • Hi TF and  Tomin. You are right, I have an injection 24hrs after every chemo infusion for that exact reason and to help when exposed to virus and infection.  It's called Neulasta. Hope you are doing well Tomin x

  • No they haven't, last week bloods were fine to go ahead with chemo, but I had a bad cold, so didn't have the chemo, just as well really as the cold got onto my chest and turned into pneumonia, so ive been in hospital since last weds.

  • Hi. i wish you quick recovery.

    Are you consuming garlic ? Believe me or not,  garlic is really miraculous food. 

    I am not sure if garlic can really help with cancer(altough i believe it would), but at least it will protect you against cold :)

    I was getting cold 3-4 times each year. Since i  started daily garlic consumption, i have never got cold in last 4 years.