My mum was diagnosed in September with secondary peritoneal carcinoma-
she had a stomach ache and thought she had a tummy bug for a couple of weeks as she couldn’t eat
she ended up having life saving surgery
that resulted in an Ileostomy
since then however
she has probably had 4 solid weeks out of the hospital
It has been a constant
she is so tired and fed up
it’s a rollercoaster and I just don’t know what to expect
I have moments of ‘normality’ but it’s this time of night
I feel so physically and mentally overwhelmed with what is eventually gonna come
It has taken so much out of her and I just can’t believe it’s actually happening- my heart breaks when I see her I feel a physical pain to see how much she is suffering
I don’t want her to go :,( but I don’t want her to ‘live’ like this
I want to walk alongside this *** cancer but it’s just not letting us
sorry I feel so lost sometimes
overwhelmed and so incredibly sad
she is our rock our diamond
it’s so cruel