My dying dads family won’t visit him before he passes

On the 31st October my dad was told that there wasn’t anymore the hospital could do to prolong his life . My dad was diagnosed 2 years ago with metastatic prostate cancer which had already spread to. His hip bone , spine and lymph nodes . After finding out that the radium treatment he was receiving has depleted his bone marrow and the. Cancer has now spread to his liver we were told he has weeks , if we are lucky months left . My heart is breaking and although my mums side of the family are very present my dad’s family have avoided him . I spoke to my aunt tonight who explained that she didn’t want to see him and end up remembering him this way and she believes that the others feel the same way. I am heart broken for my dad as he is the first one to run around after all of them and offer his support when they are in need . I’m angry and sick of hearing them say we are here if you need us when they clearly aren’t . Am I being unreasonable ? 

  • Hi,

    No, I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. Yes, it's awful when the last image you remember of a loved one is when they were dying, however, we are the ones lucky enough to be alive to remember our loved one so I find relatives & friends who say this are very selfish. Over the years, from my 20's, I've visited my grandparents, my aunt, uncle, mum & mum-in-law as they were dying & although it was distressing, I felt it a privilege to be there with them & for them to know they weren't alone. Only on one occasion did I have a wobble & that was when my aunt was dying from cancer at the same time I was recovering from major cancer surgery. I had seen her a few days before she passed away & I refused to go back as it was reminding me of my own mortality. However, I gave myself a good talking to & I returned the day before she passed away & I'm so glad I was there for her.

    Your dad's relatives may be selfish or they are afraid it will remind them of their own mortality, especially if they are of the same generation. If it were me in your shoes, I would either ring your aunt or write them a letter. Explain that you know how distressing it is to see a loved one before they pass away & that memory will be painful, however, you know that your dad is upset not to see them for the last time and would they want him to die knowing his sibling(s) weren't thinking about his feelings? Maybe a bit harsh but I have always been outspoken when my family members argue or fall out & I've found that being honest and speaking how you feel is the best policy. For that reason I would finish my phone call or letter saying I feel very sorry if they can't find it in their heart(s) to see dad when he needs them most and if that is the case, they are no good to him afterwards (meaning his funeral). Again, it's harsh & I tell it like it is. Obviously you may not want to make such a statement but don't be afraid to tell them that you expect them to be the loving family members for dad as he has been for them.

    I hope they see sense & it doesn't leave bitter feelings. It's good that mum's family are there for dad. Whatever happens, try not to focus on the unfairness of your aunt etc as it will take away the love & time you have with dad. God bless.

  • Hi Dellie I am so sorry you are going through this with such selfish people I totally agree with everything Angie has wrote in fact she has wrote just  what i would I agree they need to know this is not for their benefit this is for your fathers he’s the one dying and wanting to see them each time they say you know where we are you need to answer no I do not not my father wishes to see you and you refuse to come I also agree if they do not make any attempt to see him they would not be welcome at the funeral at all .. when my dad was dying on icu on a life support machine none of my family went to see him  my mum said  she didn’t want to see him like that neither did I was in my 30s but no way would I put my feelings before his he had cared for me all my life even if he never opened his eyes again I knew he would know I was there I never left his side and he died with me holding his hand the older I get the angrier I feel about my mum leaving me there to care for him how selfish that was but I know I am at peace myself for being there I would never have left him alone.I hope you are ok please let us know if you get chance sending lots of love your way -Tina x