On the 31st October my dad was told that there wasn’t anymore the hospital could do to prolong his life . My dad was diagnosed 2 years ago with metastatic prostate cancer which had already spread to. His hip bone , spine and lymph nodes . After finding out that the radium treatment he was receiving has depleted his bone marrow and the. Cancer has now spread to his liver we were told he has weeks , if we are lucky months left . My heart is breaking and although my mums side of the family are very present my dad’s family have avoided him . I spoke to my aunt tonight who explained that she didn’t want to see him and end up remembering him this way and she believes that the others feel the same way. I am heart broken for my dad as he is the first one to run around after all of them and offer his support when they are in need . I’m angry and sick of hearing them say we are here if you need us when they clearly aren’t . Am I being unreasonable ?