Six months to live and due to start 3rd chemo regime soon. Has anyone had Folfox?

Hello,  due to start my third Chemotherapy regime in a couple of weeks, I have Pancreatic cancer that has spread to my right lung and Coxxix. 

the oncologist says with Chemo I may get another six months, due to start on Folfox. Has anybody had Folfox previously and if so how effective did you find it ?

Regards TEEGEE.

  • Hello Teege, 

    Best of luck with the start of your third chemotherapy regime - I hope that the Folfox treatment will go well and that it will be effective. Our website has detailed information on Folfox which I hope you will find useful. 

    I hope that you will hear from the stories and experiences of other members of our community who have had FOLFOX before - if you use our forum search function which is located at the top and enter the keyword 'Folfox', you will be able to see other relevant threads on the subject of Folfox where users previously shared treatment experiences so don't hesitate to reply to any that you feel might be of interest to you. 

    Hopefully others will pop by shortly and share their Folfox stories with you. 2 weeks to go only before the start of this third chemo regime and I hope that it will all go smoothly for you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello  Lucie, 

    Thank you so much for your kind reply.

    P.S. How do I reply to a friend request ?

    Many thanks,

    Tee Gee.

  • I hope these guides we have about private messaging and how to add friends will help you with your friend request Teege, but if you have any problems just let us know.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator