CUP cancer, metastatic in liver, bile, pancreas and lymph nodes

I’m devastated! My brother found out 8 weeks ago, after a pain in stomach, that he had liver lesions.Teats and lots of waiting has diagnosed CUP that is in liver, pancreas, bile duct and lymph nodes! 

He is only 62! How does one cope with this ? I can’t concentrate for worrying what his outlook will be after being told they aren’t doing anymore test to find the primary and can only offer palliative treatment ! I can’t get my head round it and not sure how I will care for him ! 

how do families get through this 

  • Hello LisaB2, 

    Being diagnosed with Cancer of Unknown Primary can be truly unsettling for patients and their families and leave people wondering where the cancer started and it must be really difficult not to have all these important answers as if they were some crucial pieces missing in a puzzle. This must be especially hard if you are told that they are not doing any more tests to find the primary and that only palliative treatment can be offered. There is useful information on our website on treatment to control symptoms of CUP (palliative treatment) and you may at the moment find that you are not quite sure how to care for your brother but there is support available and I would suggest you read our information page on support at home for you and your family so that you find out what practical and emotional support is available to you. 

    As you can read on our information page on our website, coping with cancer of unknown primary (CUP) can be really difficult and I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have had a CUP diagnosis before or who have supported a loved one in a similar situation. Feel free also to call our cancer nurses who will be happy to give advice about who can help you and what kind of support is available. The number to call is Freephone: 0808 800 4040 - Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that you will hear from others on this forum who have had a CUP diagnosis - I remember welcoming  a few weeks ago who posted this CUP - Cancer of Unknown Primary thread so feel free to post a response to that thread if you would like to connect with someone else who has been diagnosed with CUP recently. 

    Best wishes to you and your brother - we're all here for you anytime you need to chat,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much for all the really helpful information and sources of support! We are all still in a bit of shock and knowing how to support is the hardest but and feel helpless.Chemotherapy is being offered and treated as if it’s bile cancer so we are hoping the response to that at least goes well! 

    thanks again and I would be keen to hear from people on what to expect .

  • My husband is in the same situation but as yet no chemo offered just radiotherapy for pain as his secondary is in his bone. 

    having a pet scan in next week hopefully.