My grandad and my rock - how do I speak to a child about it

My grandad who has been a father to me growing up has been diagnosed with liver and spinal cancer. He’s currently in hospital as one of his tumours is in the nerves and at risk of paralysis. He’s been poorly for months but was ignored for the past 5 months. Doctors kept putting it down to age and just wouldn’t listen.

He was finally sent for tests that shown what we were dreding. He’s currently lay in a neck brace, high as a kite and the specialist are still trying to decide what to do due to his health and the location of one in particular in regards to surgery . There’s talk about possibly having a session of chemotherapy tomorrow. Still waiting to find out.

He is slowly becoming a shadow of himself, my 9 year old daughter dotes on him. I just don’t know how to approach any of this with her. She asking questions, she can tell grandad doesn’t just have a tummy bug.

I'm lost, im lost for my nan and my daughter. He means so much to us all. I just don’t know what to do.

any advice 

  • Hello Stacdy

    I'm so very sorry to hear about your Grandad and the situation you all now find yourselves in. It's understandably a difficult time for you all and it's natural that you may be feeling overwhelmed by things at times. 

    Hopefully, some of the community members will post to share their support and advice with you soon but in the meantime, I wanted to let you know that we have some information on our website about talking to children about cancer. This may give you some reassurance about talking with your daughter about her great-grandad. You might also want to talk with her school so that they can offer her some support during the last few weeks of term. 

    If you'd like to talk with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to offer any advice, information and support they can. 

    Keep in touch Stacdy and let us know how you're all coping. We're here to listen and offer any help we can. 

    Sending you all my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Your Granddad is clearly a wonderful man who has played a huge part in you and your daughter's life. Which makes this especially sad. 
    The information, on this site, that Jenn refers to, looks excellent to me. 
    Wishing you all the best. 
    x Harry

  • Thank you, it’s just very overwhelming at the moment and hard to process it all.

  • Thank you Harry. I will definitely be looking at the information.