Hi There,
Ive just signed up here, In august 2018 my then boyfriend was diagnosed with treatable AML in his bone marrow. Hes had so much treatment and in March we were told there was nothing more they could do for him. I have been so strong throughout this, Ive completed a university degree and carried on working part time to ensure that I keep sain. However, my degree has finished, I hate my part time job and I'm still studying for some exams. We got married 4 weeks ago, It was the best day of my life. But currently, Im just in such a dark place, I keep running off to cry, keep snapping, im just very emotional and scared all the time. We live with his mum and dad and I adore them, but I feel like im getting in the way or aren't wanted sometimes. Im just so fed up of this rubbish that is being thrown at him all the time. I am trying to stay so strong for him but It is so difficult when you don't know the future.
I don't know why im here on this forum, I think i just needed to rant or maybe get some stuff off my chest.
Thankyou for listening.