Can’t go on like this

I’m 30 yo and suffered with ulcerative colitis for 7 years. November 18 I’m rushed to hospital with bowel perforation and I’m on TPN feeds every night until my bowel can be repaired. Biopsy was high grade B cell nhl. Completely out of the blue and the day after my 30 th Birthday. It’s 6 months later and I’m now fighting refractory disease as rchop was not successful and now on rdhap and stem cell transplant at the end of all this. Everyday I it nd cry every day I sit and constantly check myself for enlarged nodes lumps or the slightest pain freaks me out. I was positive and I mean was and i have sunk so bad its unbelievable. I’ve asked to be referred to a psychologist as I can’t go on like this. At this rate I’ll be gone before the nhl gets me. I can’t go on like this does anyone have any advice to help I’m trying to get on with things but when spending so much time in hospital how can you call that any form of life. I’m only child and don’t have a family of my own so everything is placed at my parents who are pensioners themselves. It’s a mess that’s going to I feel go 100% worse.... Joe

  • Hi Joe...

    So so sorry your going through this ... it's really not fare ... but I'm sure you mean the world to your mum and dad ...  this is a hard old road to travel ... but you know cancer wants you to give up .. it wants us to lay down and let it win ...

    Well it's normal to feel overwhelmed... to cry our selfs to sleep ... but you know after you do that, find a pair of vertual boxing , get them on, step in the ring with all of us fighting this crule cancer .. it will be one hell of a fight but your not alone ... l had a grade 3 breast cancer , and thought my time was up .. till l stopped feeling beaten, and got my boxing gloves on ... but you need to find that strength to get them on, and climb in with us ... together well kick cancers butt ... it's not about winning or loosing .. it's about feeling scared witless but still doing what you have to anyway...

    Come on , I'm here nearly 2 years on ... if I'd have given up, I wouldn't be hear talking to you now ...

    Chrissie x

  • So sorry to read this and that you feel this way. Your life really is worth fighting for. I understand that you are in pain and that it is awful what you are going through but the fact that you sought help on here and with a psych shows to me that there is a glimmer of fight in you. Hold onto this, please. You have every right to feel ***, you have been through hell and it’s perfectly normal to feel the way you are feeling. Be kinder to yourself, you are doing the best you can. 

    One final thing, keep busy. If it’s doing some filing, writing a story or just by a good ol colouring book from the newsagent, it WILL help. Your brain needs to rest from all of this worry. 

    Sending love and light xxx

  • Hi try to keep a straight head ,easier said than done i know ..really i do , you are here take everyday as a blessing stay strong and dont let the minor things bring you down your parents maybe older but you can guarantee they are thier for you no matter what just like mine where for me ,i was diagnosed notmuch older than you and it is hard at even my age to comprehend and go through what we have but never give up we have the fight in us to beat this and i keep saying this but stay strong be positive it is what will help us get through,


    wishing you the very best

