Hi. I’m just looking for a little support. My 26 year old partner was diagnosed with bowel cancer 3 weeks ago. It’s all been a massive whirlwind and such a shock, at 24 and 26 years old, I didn’t think we would have to go through this. Not yet anyway. He had surgery two weeks ago and now we’re waiting on the results. Iv been off with him since his surgery but went back to work today. I found it so hard! I’m not getting much sleep at all because I am constantly worrying about him and the results. Iv been so strong up until now, but I think things have just built up and got the better of me. I feel so bad for letting people down at work but I’m completely not in the right mind set until I know the results. Is it wrong that Iv asked for more time off? Should I feel guilty? I know I’m not alone so that is why Iv reached out to here. Thank you in advance xx