Breast cancer ( Ductal Carcinoma )

Hey everyone. I was diagnosed yesterday with Ductal Carcinoma its 2cm tumour in the upper breast and is effecting 3 lmpth nodes. My Dr was very positive yesterday and when i asked if it was treatable he said yes!  And even asked me if i wanted to preserve my eggs for any future pregnancies.

Its shocking when your the one in that seat and never thought you would be.. im 33 year old with a 2 year old girl. They told me i was lucky i found it and i came in. Apparently the Dr said its a common type of cancer and treatable. Anyone else out there as the same type? Because of my age im getting chemo first and its going to be aggressive treatment thrown at me.. sounds like a bumpy ride and im scared but also i know i need to do it and remain strong.. i want to see my baby grow up! Im.staying away too. Please anyone who as had this or is going through this please message me your positive stories. Thank you x

  • Offline in reply to Bookworn

    Yes, I was in training for my 9th marathon which was going to be in the US. It’ll be there next year. I’ve not been running since my diagnosis, mainly because chemo has zapped my energy and I have a PICC. Wouldn’t want that to get out of place with the movement. I have an exercise bike at home instead and use that when I’m feeling energetic. It’s odd that they recommend light exercise to combat chemo fatigue but I think it works. I have two little dogs who I walk twice per day so that gets me out and about too. 

       perhaps satisfy your chocolate cravings with a high cocoa content chocolate that’s at least 70% cocoa solids (dark chocolate). These have less sugar and the high cocoa content has lots of antioxidants which are good for you.

  • Offline in reply to Chirl

    I was just getting back to running from an earlier surgery this year and just back to a gentle 5km, when this hit.   I am trying walk often and have been fortunate enough not to have too much fatigue. I have been sleeping a lot but I slept so badly i the couple of weeks before the chemo because of anxiety, I think I am catching up.  I was hoping to get out for a run after the surgery but the chemo followed too quickly. I only pootle so I think if I do have the energy, I'd like to try but I may just be kidding myself.  It just really help my mental health to get out.

    Wow 8 marathons! That is some achievement! Good luck with the bike and maintaining your fitness. It has probably put you in a good position physically and the training for marathons has probably helped you mentally too.  
    I bet your dogs bring you a lot of chill time and pleasure too. 

  • Did you have surgery first? What sort of chemo are you having? The picc line is a pain when it first goes in but you do slowly get used to it. I’ve bought some covers from Amazon which help to make it feel secure 

  • Thanks   that's a good idea. 

    I had surgery first - a lumpectomy and partial reconstruction with a LICAP flap.   thank you for the tip. I'll get those. I'm having 3 lots of EC (once every 3 weeks) and then the same number and frequency of Docetaxel. What have you had? 

  • I also had surgery first , also a lumpectomy. I got a PICC line cover from the hospital but b it still slips without a tubigrip type thing underneath. Get someone to measure your arm first!

  • I’ve also had lumpectomy. I’m having 12 weeks of paclitaxel (weekly). 5 done so far. This is the link to the covers I got in a range of colours:

    I got large because I didn’t want them to be too tight- I’m a size 12 and my arms aren’t huge but not thin either. Medium just felt tight so I sent back without problems. They have a rubber grip at the top. I also have a shower cover which is great. 

  • Oh no that’s not good. How are you now? Good luck for Thursday.