Breast cancer ( Ductal Carcinoma )

Hey everyone. I was diagnosed yesterday with Ductal Carcinoma its 2cm tumour in the upper breast and is effecting 3 lmpth nodes. My Dr was very positive yesterday and when i asked if it was treatable he said yes!  And even asked me if i wanted to preserve my eggs for any future pregnancies.

Its shocking when your the one in that seat and never thought you would be.. im 33 year old with a 2 year old girl. They told me i was lucky i found it and i came in. Apparently the Dr said its a common type of cancer and treatable. Anyone else out there as the same type? Because of my age im getting chemo first and its going to be aggressive treatment thrown at me.. sounds like a bumpy ride and im scared but also i know i need to do it and remain strong.. i want to see my baby grow up! Im.staying away too. Please anyone who as had this or is going through this please message me your positive stories. Thank you x

  • Hi GL91. I've found your new thread. Did they tell you the hormone receptor status?  I think that makes a difference in treatment type. My consultant said more and more women are being diagnosed at a younger age and that's shocking and worrying. But I'm very glad they are positive about your treatment plan.  Hopefully people who are further through their journeys can give your more positivity about outcomes. I expected to feel significantly worse after mu surgery but it's really not been to bad yet. Codeine is definitely helping. I'm just keeping positive for the post surgery results in 4 weeks. X

  • They did mention that but its a case of waiting to see how it goes as i might not need it. The Dr says chemo alone could make it go so thats the plan to start with, because of my age its going to be aggressive chemo thrown at me so it sounds like a bumpy ride he told me to be positive about it all and strong. I know the type i have accounts for 80% of BC which makes me feel a lot better about it with it being common and how far breast treatmant as come now. Nothing in this world matters to me more than my baby girl right now.. i will get through it for her and she can.grow up and be proud and say ' my mamma had that and got through it ' 

    Hope you are not too sore, did you have chemo too? I know, the dr told me he has treated someone younger than me its shocking really. X

  • No I didn't have chemotherapy first but they did immediately start me on tamoxifen as mine was quite big at 44mm on the MRI scan so they wanted to start treating it straight away. Mine is estrogen positive and that is the most common so I assume yours is too.  My husband said the consultant said they can treat mine too and live a long life without this (but clearly I didn't hear thay in the meeting). 

    We've just got to fight this for our young children- that's my first and primary goal. My eldest turns 7 next Thursday. And everything is ready. I'd wrapped her presents and her party is organised at a venue where I don't have to do anything. Keeping their lives as normal as possible is my second goal. X

  • On ultrasound they said mine was around 2cm but its effecting 3 lmpth nodes too so i think thats why chemo is the option. Im so scared though.. i know i have to do it but i am scared. Its good news for you that its treatable also.. i know they dont sugar coat things, if he thought it was really bad he would say but no he told me its treatable etc and like i said asked me about my eggs for future. I feel like i am going around in circles but i keep saying in my head what he said and how confident he was. True we need to! Im planning on doing something fun this weekend with my tiny one. X

  • That's what you have to focus on. They are confident so you have to be too.  Have fun with your little one and put it to the back of your mind for now.

    There's lots of people on here who have had chemo and can give you lots of tips and talk you through the cold cap (if that's an option). X

  • Thank you for talking to me! It does make me feel better talking to others. Makes me feel not alone in this. Im just waiting on CT scan on my breast now which i know is standard procedure. 

    How are you feeling today? X

  • I'm the same. Talking here has really helped me.. Breast Cancer Now also do Younger Women Together group meetings for those who are going through the same thing. I've signed up for a group which has zoom meetings once a week for 4 weeks. I start next week. Maybe have a look into that?

    I'm OK.  The codeine is helping a lot. I'm feeling fairly tired. The difficulty is not doing too much. I am a do'er  so I'm finding that difficult at times. Lol.  But I know I can't and I have to take it easier. Its just reminding myself of that.  X

  • You take your time.. there is no rush. We do have to keep going too though. Im going to get a nice warm bath later i think. I got my appointment today for Monday for CT and MRI scan.. so just waiting for that now.. i feel achey all over today i think its all stress and tension from it all the not knowing and waiting etc. I need to chill out more i think! Ahh that sounds good - i know the more you talk about it the more you hear people who have had it or going through it! 

    My mum has a old school friend who has been through it she is back at and said i can talk to her and meet up and i know someone else too who now helps others who has been a big help. We all need to stick together we can get through anything! X

  • That's really good that you can get the extra scans in quick. 

    That sounds like a lovely idea. Look after yourself.  Take some time to relax and decompress. 

    We do all need to stick together ️  x

  • Hi GL91, so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It's such a  stressful time for you, especially being so young, with a young child. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in January and was put on EC-T chemo first. 3 cycles of EC and 4 T (for me this is docetaxel). So far I have had 6 cycles with minimal side effects and have my last cycle on the 9th of July. Try not to be scared, it may not be as bad as you think. I've tried to have a positive mindset throughout and I'm sure this has kept my side effects to a minimum. I did lose my hair, but it has already started growing back, even before finishing chemo.. I've cut out all alcohol and have been eating healthily. I've also been walking 2 1/2 miles everyday throughout my treatment. I wish you well on your journey moving forward. Xx