Breast cancer ( Ductal Carcinoma )

Hey everyone. I was diagnosed yesterday with Ductal Carcinoma its 2cm tumour in the upper breast and is effecting 3 lmpth nodes. My Dr was very positive yesterday and when i asked if it was treatable he said yes!  And even asked me if i wanted to preserve my eggs for any future pregnancies.

Its shocking when your the one in that seat and never thought you would be.. im 33 year old with a 2 year old girl. They told me i was lucky i found it and i came in. Apparently the Dr said its a common type of cancer and treatable. Anyone else out there as the same type? Because of my age im getting chemo first and its going to be aggressive treatment thrown at me.. sounds like a bumpy ride and im scared but also i know i need to do it and remain strong.. i want to see my baby grow up! Im.staying away too. Please anyone who as had this or is going through this please message me your positive stories. Thank you x

  • Thank you.  You too. I hear the herceptin can have it's own sideffects so hopefully it will be as manageable as it can be. 

    So good to best it wasn't as scary as you thought.  The nurse did say to me that the first was the worst just because you are scared and you don't know what to expect. Xx

  • Hi all, yesterday I had round 4 of 12 weekly paclitaxel chemo and 2nd herceptin injection. Felt fine / the same after each treatment so far. No nasty side effects yet. Getting more used to the picc line too although I’ll never like it - it’s slightly annoying especially when showering or choosing clothes! Hair is coping well with the cold cap- minimal loss so far although body hair is noticeably less, not gone but just seems thinner. I wear the cap 30 mins before + 1hr infusion + 1hr after and the machine counts it all down so about 2.5 hours with a little extra to make sure the full bag of chemo has gone (10-15 mins extra). I’m finding it totally bearable especially after the first 10 mins. One thing I have noticed is I’ve become a bit spotty on the face which I’ve never been, it’s got to be the chemo or herceptin. 

    Glad everyone else is managing. Any more updates? What stage of treatment are you all on now? 

  • Fab to hear that the side effects haven’t increased after each session this is what I’m worried about I had my first paclitaxel and herceptin Friday have felt ok tbh but of tummy ache today and night sweats but ok so far I decided not to cold cap as I have short hair anyway I must admit I was petrified before I went Friday but it’s just fear of the unknown and they do look after you so well I was also concerned about having a reaction from the herceptin and pax but was ok this time round and I’m sure if it does happen they will be straight on it,, wishing everyone lots of love xx

  • Are you still on 9 weekly paclitaxel then some EC after? My face is always flushed the day after treatment but no temperature- I think it’s the steroids. One thing I am feeling today is pain in my leg where the herceptin injection went in. It feels like a horrible bruise but I didn’t have it the when I had the first one. This time it went in the opposite leg. Maybe she pressed it through a little faster, that could be a reason. 

    I’d be interested to hear how your hair gets on with not cold capping as I’m wondering at what point mine might have started shedding a lot. It’ll be a good indication of the cold cap working. 

  • So the plan for me is 9 paclitaxel and 3 x ec I have my herceptin with the paclitaxel at the moment every three weeks intravenously but they have said to me that as this is aduvant chemo and my surgery was clear margins and clear nodes if I can’t handle the chemo I can stop and carry on with the herceptin but by injection and then tamoxifen it’s all because of the her2 part they told me they dont like to start the herceptin without at least one chemo session as it’s not licensed or something but my plan is to see how the chemo goes for now ,,I hope your leg eases off soon

  • So is your ec chemo also weekly? I’ve just looked up the iv herceptin as I’d never heard of it. Does that take a long time to administer or can it be done at the same time as your paclitaxel is going through? Mine’s an injection every three weeks straight after the chemo has finished. 

  • The ec is every three weeks if I get that far cos they are concerned incase I have any bowel issues as I have diverticular disease so we will see ,, the herceptin also know as trastuzamab is given through I’ve first then a flush then they do the chemo through iv so my first I’ve herceptin took 90 mins cos they have to watch you on the first then the next one in three weeks will take less time 

  • Thank you for this. It all helps me to feel more accepting of what is to come.

  • Big hugs for the rest of your treatment and hoping the side effects are minimal, xx

  • Have you had surgery already? Good luck for starting your first round. Let us know how you get on.