Breast cancer ( Ductal Carcinoma )

Hey everyone. I was diagnosed yesterday with Ductal Carcinoma its 2cm tumour in the upper breast and is effecting 3 lmpth nodes. My Dr was very positive yesterday and when i asked if it was treatable he said yes!  And even asked me if i wanted to preserve my eggs for any future pregnancies.

Its shocking when your the one in that seat and never thought you would be.. im 33 year old with a 2 year old girl. They told me i was lucky i found it and i came in. Apparently the Dr said its a common type of cancer and treatable. Anyone else out there as the same type? Because of my age im getting chemo first and its going to be aggressive treatment thrown at me.. sounds like a bumpy ride and im scared but also i know i need to do it and remain strong.. i want to see my baby grow up! Im.staying away too. Please anyone who as had this or is going through this please message me your positive stories. Thank you x

  • Hi GL91, I’m so sorry about your diagnosis, it’s especially shocking at this age, I’m 35 and was diagnosed in February with stage 1 invasive ductal carcinoma too, I’m just over half way through chemo now. I have 2 young kids, a 3 and half year old and almost 2 year old. If you need to talk I’m here xx

  • Offline in reply to Em24ma

    Oh im so sorry you are going through this too! Its sickening isnt it. Did yours effect any lypmth nodes? Mine is 2cm ans 3 lypmth nodes are swollen. They told me chemo first before anything else, is that what they are doing to you too? Thank you.. im scared of the chemo etc. X

  • Offline in reply to GL91

    My lymph nodes were clear, I had surgery 1st to remove the lump which was 1.5cm and they also removed some lymph nodes to double check. Mine was grade 3 which is why they recommended chemo after, I believe grade 1 and 2 do not need chemo in most cases, but it also depends on the hormone receptors. Have they given you any info on grade or hormones? Chemo is tough, it’s draining but it is doable I promise. And you’ll feel better once you have a treatment plan x

  • Offline in reply to Em24ma

    They didnt really say as such just said they they will throw aggressive chemo at me i cant remember the name just because of my age. How did you find yours ? If you dont mind me asking that is. Mine is in the upper outer breast area.  They giving me chemo first before any type of surgery they said. They told me sometimes it dissolves the tumour etc all together.. i know every case is different for each people. They didnt mention hormones for mine its a case of waiting to see i think after treatment if i will need them. I had a genetic test too just to see if i carry the gene.. thinking of future for my girl. How are you feeling now? X

  • Thank you for the positive vibes! Im eating healthy too and i dont think i ever want to drink any alcohol ever again! Do you mind me asking if you had any node involvement? And how did you find it? I just need positveness throwing my way.. all i can think about is my baby and how much i want to see her grow up. My Dr was pretty positive about it all and asked if i wanted to preserve any eggs for future pregnancies etc. I just want to start it now... did you find waiting around the hardest? X

  • Hi GL91, initially for me the waiting for the results caused horrendous anxiety, as I'm sure it does for most people. Once I had a diagnosis I just wanted to get treatment started, so that I knew something was being done to get rid of the cancer. It's a horrible time just waiting for something to start happening. It was at this point I decided I needed to work on having a more positive mindset. I didn't feel I could go on with the level of anxiety I was feeling, especially as the journey ahead would be a long one. It helped that my hubby is a very positive person  (I'm the worrier in the house) and has been so supportive. Since my treatment started I have been much more relaxed and still go out and enjoy myself. I wouldn't have thought this possible at the start. At the moment as far as I know there is one node affected, but they have decided that I'll have full node clearance, when I have surgery. I will then find out if any more have been affected. I also had nodules show up in my lungs, when I had my ct scan. They did reassure me that they've seen a lot of this since covid and not to worry, but will monitor them for 2 years. My follow up scan showed that they are stable and have not grown. I know our situations are different  as I'm 61and my children are adults. However  I have 2 beautiful grandchildren, who I most definitely want to see grow up and I intend to do so. It's so hard for you having to deal with something like this, when you are so young, especially with such a young child. My best advice is to stay as positive as you can (not easy I know)  it  just makes things easier to deal with. I hope you don't have too long to wait for treatment to start. Try not to worry too much about the chemo, there will be lots of support and advice to help you through it. I haven't found it half as bad as I thought it would be. Good luck with everything and let me know how you are doing. Always here if you have any questions. Xx

  • You sound like you’re in a very similar position to me. I’ve had surgery to remove the 14mm lump and no lymph node action but it is her2 positive, er+ / grade 3. I have my oncology meeting on Thursday to discuss next steps. I know it’s chemo but just wondering how many rounds you are having and how it’s going? 

  • Hello, im having 6 rounds of chemo once every 3 weeks. Then a possible lumpectomy at the end of chemo.. i might need more chemo after and radiotherapy. Mine is Her positive too but they didnt give me a grade just said it was early and the dr said treatable and even used curitive and thats all i am focussing on those words! They mentioned one node with me but found 3 swollen on ultrasound so i dont know 100% how many.x

  • Hi smudge I’m very similar to you had my lumpectomy mine was 16mm clear margins and nodes but I’m her2 positive and as positive grade 2 find out my treatment plan Thursday 

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