My name is Samantha im 36
I have bcc on my nose and my left leg. I didnt know thats what is was for a long time. I am diabetic and have high blood prusure and i thought it was something to do with that ( a cut that would not heal ).
They have been there for around 2 years now. I do like to sun myslef. i enjoy going outside and driving alot. Ive never used a sun bed or anything to that effect then again i have never used sun cream.
I it scaring me to death as it's on nmy face and the leasion on my leg has got alot worse in the space of a few days. The one on my nose has always been open sore but the one on my leg was closed and hard skin untill a few days ago.
I have had medical photos taken of both of them and waiting for some feedback from that. ( could take 5-6 months )
I am concidering going private to get this sorted but i have no idea how much this would cost or how i go about even getting this started. My GP have been very good and i am having my leg dressed every week with this now and i have some sort of orange grainy cream for my nose. ( that looks even worse on my face.)
Im looking for someone to talk to about this really as i have no idea how do dealw ith it. I understand that there are worse types of cancer out there but it still freaks me out and sets off my panick attaks.
Sorry for the long one. but thank you for reading.
Sammi <3