Hi everyone,
With figures that suggest 50% of us wil be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in our lives, I dont think anyone will dissagree this is a frightening statistic. Someone has started a new thread, "Why do we need new drugs", and this has caused me to write this post which I hope will open up a debate.
Why are so there so many people getting cancer? Is it the food we eat, the air we breath with vehical exhust fumes, our way of life that is causing this, or is it a combination of many differnt things? Is it just simply that we are getting better at detecting it? I have always believed the best way to find a cure is to find out what is causing the problem in the first place, after all prevention is always the best route to take.
I just wondered what peoples views are on this. My own personal view is it is possibly down to a combination of factors but I would love to hears other peoples views on this, Brian