Hi everyone on Sunday the 6th December I lost my wife of 33 years to liver cancer on the same day we also lost her father my father in law in a separate hospital. Sharon was my rock my daughter and daughter in laws rock in fact the whole family. We were fortunate to be with her on her passing and had an amazing team of nurses on duty. Because of the way that she had become we spoke to her and explained about her father's passing. Not sure if she was still able too hear us.
I feel a huge amount of guilt that I could not do anything to.protect orvsave her from this horrendous illness nor could I have any control over her seeing her father one more time. The last few days I have struggled to go into our house without having someone with me. My daughter and daughter in law have been amazing as has my sister where I have spent the last few nights there. Earlier tonight my ring door bell alerted me too check it out. To my and my families surprise we can see a white circle with a face looking towards the front door the girls and I could immediately see Sharon looking up at it. I know grief ia a very hard and misunderstood symptom of the passing of someone but seeingbthis has heightened my anxiety of returning to the house. As I write this post sitting in my car my phone is ringing with concerned friends inviting me to their house.
Has anyone on the forum ever experienced a similar feeling of returning to the family home even though you know your love one.wouls not hurt you. I am confused and somewhat lost at the moment despite always being a strong individual who for the last 21 years has worked supporting families who are experiencing turmoil in their lives.
Thank you for reading my post I wish you all peace.and settlement in your lives.
Regards Dave